The Repro steps are what tells me exactly where to look in code. If someone comes to me with a bug without steps I only have a vague idea of where to look. If you give me steps I know exactly what code has to step through.
The Repro steps are what tells me exactly where to look in code. If someone comes to me with a bug without steps I only have a vague idea of where to look. If you give me steps I know exactly what code has to step through.
Oh Heil no. That isn’t her real last name is it??
Kotick pictured as he continues to be a dick and not resign
This is really cool! I was just lamenting to myself how much I missed my led coming from my 2XL to my 6 Pro. I will definitely be trying this out and see if it gives me the same vibes I was missing.
So are these just upscaled textures on the old engine, or did they port it over the GTA V rage engine as well, which allows for the newer controls?
Birds arent real tho.
Not exactly the book I carry around for looking smart, but at least it isn’t Elon’s copy of Atlas Shrugged that’s on his nightstand so...yay?
The more I hear about it the more it sounds like Dark Souls Zelda..Which I am not sure I like as Im not a fan of the gameplay loop for DS.
to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate how non-passe Rick and Morty skin actually is
I dont know what his “deal” is but if stitches is apart of it I am sold. That song slaps.
While I’m not doubting the good Kamala could do as AG . AG should be Schiff .
Well except Steam. Just Epic. cause you know $
I was born just 10 years too early... Could have been in that streaming bubble we’re in now. My CAL-M/CPL streaming would have got me tons of I am just some old geezer.
I’m confused. If you pre-ordered this on Steam, but now it’s on the EG Launcher, is your copy still on steam or not?
Wasn’t he also the one who ran with the rumors of Rosenstein being fired a few weeks ago when it was leaked from the White House? Axios and him were the first to jump the gun for content. Almost igniting a massive fuckstorm amongst the current shitstorm there.
I don’t have the vocabulary to tell you just how angry I am that it doesn’t support 21:9. I am really hoping that Kaldaien gets it figured out, because until then it’s just gonna sit in my library.
Triss down in the second game to helping her escape to Skellige in the third
He’s Lupin first, but yes. I honestly have never fathomed Ares with a mustache. Beard? Totally. Shaved? Sure. Mustache? Ehhh. Just not the look that screams God of War. Screams get your books out and lets discuss Ares this semester.
Okay I made this comment over on io9 and I am probably in the grays over here I just wanna put in my two cents on WW. It was a good movie, but I was disappointed in it and it wasn’t everything I thought a WW movie could be.
Is the gameplay different from Far Cry 3/4/Primal? I felt like the formula was getting really stale.