
Yeah I handle my feeling like Det. Jake Gittes, the when I can’t let something like rejection stand anymore , my brain goes, “Forget it Bob, it’s just You.”

  • Skype now comes built-in to Windows 10 as three apps: Skype Video, Messaging, and Phone. You can still download the regular Skype app, however.

doot doo do dee do do doot do do dee...

it’s pretty interesting that while almost all of these are over 50% a deal breaker for both sexes, that women find most of these things to be deal breakers at higher percentages than the men do. The only exception being distance which is the closest to equal.

That’s my boy Barry! Always with the light moment!

Don’t fucking touch anything. We’re about to eat.

Being from the south, I’m sorry Pinkham.

I suppose it’s a fair question; some people colloquially call all soda “coke” despite it being an actual type and brand of soda. (Editor’s Note: These people are terrible, and you should never trust them.)

Right? Color me shocked. (what is that color anyways?)

One of the most toxic people in the world plays and owns a team with the most toxic playerbase on the planet? Color me shocked.

Now playing

The real reason black folk be late to a cookout is cause they gotta coordinate.

I always get confused looking at this chart.

There’s Gwen. Costello’s Lady, who I still can’t tell if she’s the little girl from the flash forward at the very beginning or not.

I love me some Emily Blunt. I enjoyed her performances in EoT, Looper, and The Adjustment Bureau... Del Toro never disappoints me. I can’t wait to finally see this.

Ha Teddy is a Pufflebutt. It’s okay, not all of us can be awesome Ravenclaws.

I’d love to have a brown switch keyboard for programming at work, but god damn Das, 95 on sale? No thanks.

I’d love to have a brown switch keyboard for programming at work, but god damn Das, 95 on sale? No thanks.

and these kids chose one of these songs—about raisin toast—to put on the jukebox over. And over. And over again. A five dollar bill buys 25 songs, so to the ringleader of these hellions, that was 25 plays of the raisin toast song, played specifically to irritate the staff. (He even admitted it!) Often my most

They did this for an entire game against the Falcons and won. I remember being at the GA dome to watch both teams disgrace the field.

You’ve been able to do this for years. Since CS 1.6 and in Source in nuke. But I guess CSGO is the popular thing now with it’s silly skins and matchmaking.

This falls great with what happened to me this week.