I really hate this skin bs. I miss my old school 1.6 and source style CS. I hate GO. I realize I now sound like a 60 year old man in my 20s.
I ramble...sort of. Not in person. I do fine in person, as I am pretty introverted and I don't have much to say anyways. I'd rather listen to you talk.
As echoed below, I am not too sure of this one. Since they work on commission a lot of them are taking who they have stored on their firms lists and going down looking for people who are in need.
When will we finally get services for ESPN8 "The Ocho"? I would enjoy an obscure sports channel.
0) Don't stand in the fire.
I think of this scene every time we have a sprint review. When the Product manager tells us what the customer is expecting, or what changes we need.
I'm in the same boat as you. I have both my confirmation emails and my payment has not yet been canceled..what to do indeed.
I got through after I had noticed that paypal and switched servers (and added 40 dollars tax. You sly fuckers), and the layout was different. After a ton of failed retries it finally took.
Same. This is the boat I am in.
That's funny when I was forced to go to bible school, they told me it was a sin, because the laws of man are laws in heaven.
Can we just not talk about/mention Daario at all? He literally ruins my enthusiasm for the books and the show.
5? Back in my day when you couldn't log in on expansion day you only got 1. Seems like Blizzard is getting soft on us.
shit, My mom has been leaving me home alone since I was fucking 5. Then again that was 21 years ago, but it never got scary.
still trying to figure out the age difference between Anya and Blazkowicz.
that's right. Saying nothing is like loading the gun yourself...or something. What are we talking about?
Rogues getting the shaft by Blizzard? I see some things never change, regardless of the game.