
Here I see the wild drillpress out of its natural environment on odeck and in the wild on lifehacker. =P

My dad owns a Ford Dealership. He told me that the 50th Anniversary was going to be priced around 85k. I asked to be put on the list, then he told me the price, and I said 401A instead please. So yeah. grains of salt.

Subtle "I'm dating Laura Hudson." post there Kirk. GJ man!

So I am running a TV right now as my monitor This right here. Would I be better off staying with my LED TV as a monitor, or would this be an upgrade? Can anyone fill me in?

I always felt The long-term was fine, but as long as you made short-term investments that feed into the long-term investment. Afterall, the long-term is a bunch of short-terms put together.

the green text is for the weak. only the strong shall survive on self defining code. Too many comments look like a forest sprouted up in your code. I prefer concise comments about a section.

but I'm in my late 20's an my chin hairs are gray!! That means I'm old!

imx. All around the country. COL OKC MIA etc. I guess they think blanket policies work.

I'm in GA too, and we are having the same kinds of action. Our home office, located in OKC wants us to still come in. It isn't that I can't come in, it's that everyone else can't make it to their jobs. All the roads around me are closed because of ice.

Yeah she hasn't had any in the games, that's true. I gotta disagree on the movies though. This just seems like one of those games where they'd cram a bad story down your throat.

I guess you didn't see those terribad "movies"

All for it as long as you don't force them to be love interests. Buddy rivals after treasure I like.

This doesn't do anything! Especially when all I have to do is restart skyrim with new mods and I have a new game for the umpteenth time!!

"The quieter you are the more you'll hear"

Can't wait to see the destruction and decimation from both sides in this court case courtesy of the Frostbite 3 engine...

Americans. we're a bit Xenophobic after games like The Getaway. Sand boxes in modern London, with no hud and only blinker lights to tell me where I'm going. AND IM ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD.

I really can't wait until my dad gets these in at the dealership. Because at the moment I can't decide whether or not to keep my 2014 when the lease is up.

I thought it said Kanban field. I really need a vacation from work.

There are no Penii in GA!!! If I'm male does that mean I make the standard? I'm confused.

I'll tell you what good happens at a hotel finding out your lady has an adam's apple, or catching up a case of the clap, or busted rubbers.....