
I thought your post about being an awesome troll was itself an awesome work of trolling, but now I see you’re sincere, it’s lost its shine.

maybe a close second?

I think outrage might be appropriate

As the philosopher once said: “I would never join any club that would have me as a member.”

Exactly. Not only that - but arguably Germany is pretty much the only country I can think of, who has taken full responsibility for the atrocities they’ve committed. There’s no attempt to excuse it, there’s no revisionism, nothing - it’s illegal to deny the holocaust, and from an early age they’re taught about it in

Try the decaf.

I think anyone who opposes the ACA should be barred from benefiting from the ACA.

I once crop dusted at the grocery store. I was in an empty aisle, and thought I was ok. This couple ended up walking into it, as I was leaving the area, and she IMMEDIATELY starts hitting her boyfriend and loudly blaming him while he protested his innocence.

Or Bush could have not invaded Iraq in which case it's a safe bet there'd be no ISIS and a few thousand Americans would still be alive. You might also want to check your facts because the Status of Forces Agreement mandating the withdrawal of US forces was signed in 2008 by Bush.

Believe me, I’m tired of hearing it too, but it has a certain amount of utility in situations like this. I’ve been to the 1 Show in Portland a few times and it only takes one trip to see that there’s a certain subset of people that are (charitably speaking) into bikes for the wrong reasons, whether it be fashion,

Less angry answer from someone less prone to anger than me: “Paul Ryan is not some random famous or important person. Paul Ryan makes laws! If Paul Ryan wants to put family leave on the national agenda, he is uniquely positioned to do that by virtue of his (probable) position as speaker! He is exactly the kind of

The gist of it is “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”. Fortunately, I think women can still beat ‘em.


There’s that. All those were excellent points.

OMG PREACH! I am just starting IVF and somehow the national pregnancy loss day made all of these people I know go totally “pro-life” nuts on Facebook (I am very sad for their losses, but they don’t have anything to do with abortion—the legality of abortion will not prevent pregnancy loss). It is killing me how much

“Look, I can make the natives scurry if I toss some coins at them! I AM A GOLDEN GOD!”

greek guacomole. Don’t knock it til you try it (the real name is feta-avocado dip, but greek guac sounds better, because alliteration.)

Really? I learned some valuable lessons there; mostly that when you kick and punch customers, it should all be in the mind.

The South makes no sense. Ordering chips and dip with a Coke could literally mean chips and salsa with ohh I don’t know a Dr Pepper.

I confess I have used that phrase; in my defense it was after arguing with a 3 year old about brushing their teeth. I agree it is a douche-y phrase and will strive to not use it in the future but, damn, getting your kids to brush their own f-ing teeth can be enraging.