
meeses. one moose, many meeses.

Wow. You totally seem sane.

“Hurts before, hurts during, hurts after. Never doing that again.”

for all his faults, if you think obama’s been as bad a president as bush, you’re an idiot. but we knew that already.

you must have been horrified when he got elected. double good then that he then got reelected ;-)

one can never have enough moose in the white house, my friend. never.

what a nice muslim-looking fellow.

you know this is a well-known troll, don’t you? you’re causing yourself a lot of grief. like playing with a mean monkey. nothing good will come of it. except the monkey enjoys it.

you learned all that in advertising? damn. i must be at the wrong agency....

tell him you’ll happily provide him with cow manure, sack and cloth.

there is much confusion to think guac goes with sushi. ... unless she’s eating at Sushi Samba.

heh, when hillary get inaugerated, i’m gonna revel in the hate you dipshits are gonna be be spewing. gonna be totally awesome.

So? I’m dying for a peppermint mocha right now! I don’t see the big deal about all this dying for this, dying for that BS....

Jesus WAS a special snowflake....

you drink too much miller, dude, it is rotting what little is left of what i’m sure some people thought was your brain.

ugh, 8 years of fuckheads like you. can’t stand it.

i’m definitely going to encourage people to vote for her (have you looked at the alternatives????), but she does have that same robotic quality romney 2.0 had. is it ‘cause they do so much prep work? what?

ooh, baby...!!!! i like feisty.

my wife does that. when i confront her, she says “what, we’re a family...” what do you say to that?