@nieltown: 2 sentences? "Design is subjective. I believe Apple's simple look in iOS is better."
@nieltown: 2 sentences? "Design is subjective. I believe Apple's simple look in iOS is better."
@Matt0505: I disagree. His post seems very partisan even to the point of not being taken seriously by any even-minded reader.
@gizgizgiz: Lrrr.
@fskn: Resistant to what? My interest? My money? At that resolution, yes. Yes it is.
The megatron doesn't say urban freewheelers. It says sofa masturbators.[www.youtube.com]
@kaffenated: #1) There will be no Motoblur on this device. Google said as much. [gizmodo.com]
@izzi303: Remember to spay or neuter your pet.
@PetiteGal: tablets are wildly different beasts compared to this, no? If anything this is more of a netbook killer, but I think tablets did that already, too. I don't think motorola thinks this will be a tablet killer, either, since they're making the xoom, too.
@niccohel: Well, then she knows that these machines put out about 1/20th the radiation as a dental xray - that is the radiation exposure to the patient. She also knows that you get just about as much radiation from an xray as you do from a transcontinental flight (round trip) - 5-10mrem. Annual background radiation…
@Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise: Denton baited them: [www.guardian.co.uk]
Serious question: Why did your boss, Denton, bait hackers into doing this? Is he happy with the results?
@pjcard: I think the media is making a bigger deal of it than passengers do. I don't know anyone who gives a damn - everyone I know just wants to go on a trip and get through security swiftly.
@naman34: I think price is a big factor you've neglected. These terminals, essentially, can't be all that expensive.
@DonnaDixonLine: 843x2=1686.
Is that a VGA port? Not trying to be snarky, I am just looking for clarification.
Washington Post shouldn't count. That's district, not state. Just saying.
@TheCrudMan: I have a mac so I use plex. The app is $5, though, kind of steep. But you can stream music through iTunes and videos (all those AVIs and MKVs you've acquired on the internet).
I'm not the biggest apple fanboy, but I've got to say the way AirPlay is implemented is pretty sweet. As it is I can stream audio from any app to my airplay device (double click the home button and swipe all the way to the left). Finally, pandora to my stereo from my pocket.
Instructions for setting up find my iPhone for free: [www.apple.com]