
Y’know, I could see Snyder being so utterly tone-deaf about the character and the world that he’d inadvertently produce a comedic masterpiece.

So, you’re saying hate speech is acceptable as long as the person is running for President, and people shouldn’t be getting upset about it?

If you don’t like Zombie Gawker you can git out.

do they even sell these with extra digits

I don’t think they hate direwolves. They just hate how much money they cost.

Have you considered hiring a donut consultant to optimize your short and long-term snacking strategy?

I work for a publishing company. Our CEO started a speech, “If you don’t write stories or don’t sell ads, you’re overhead.” He was also building a mult-million dollar house in a market where most of our employees couldn’t afford the rent, and had neither written a story, nor sold an ad, ever. I was 34, and this is

I don’t often hear moral hazard advanced as a positive thing, but okay.

See? This is the crazy shit you can try when you have socialized medicine :P

It was a fucking joke. Jesus Christ. Do people like you really exist?

Jony Ive: We made the iphone thinner... but to do so we had to remove the headphone port... so those $300 beats headphones you bought from us, are no longer going to work with your phone. We also added a second camera, which makes the camera bump even larger... so really the phone isn’t thinner than the bulge, but we

Still a better love story than Twilight.

the disgrace was the families suing in the first place. Just because a few people on comment boards and social media feel bad doesn’t mean you can do whatever the fuck you want legally. They hired ambulance chasing lawyers, turned down a hefty generous settlement offer, and then lost on it. PR? Fuck that. Don’t file

I feel like the blame should really go on the scumbag lawyers that convinced these people to sue the theater.

Not really. Hopefully people will think twice next time an ambulance chasing lawyer calls them.

It would be better if every time a meteor hits WE DIDN’T HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN.

Is 50-150 ft something that would cause world-altering damage?

I think you’d probably regret that choice.

I blame every motherfucker that demanded a touch screen, and then wouldn’t shut the fuck up when they got the worst touch screen in the world. Now it’s taken years, YEARS, for Amazon to fix that mistake and just put fucking buttons back on the damn thing.