i fly boats

Found the gamergate retard! Why do you go do a circle jerk on a redpill reddit site? You mad you can’t get laid? sorry broski


Might not be able to overclock much but it is still able to be overclocked. So to compare you need a z series mobo combo

This mobo is an overclocking one. You would have to get a Z series board + a 6700k which is about $500 if you get a good board. The cheapest 980 from a well known site is 470 right now. That is over $900

Her record is that of a 90's republican

Clinton is a bigoted monster. She supports unlimited bombing of any brown person in the Middle East or Africa

You didn’t back up shit. After the horrible prequels they did not know a damn thing. Keep on talking you misogynistic fuck

was it a dick pic? tell me it was a dick pic! /puke

You mean “we” as in white women.

I think that you are just upset that you can not make 3k in one night.

Remember: No matter what, you’re a retard!

This is such a bullshit charge. Fuck cops


u admit to being a rapist?

Most republicans in general. Look at KS MS OR TX for an example

the autism is strong

Seeing how you support the religion of child molesters and woman hating, Im glad you wouldnt fuck me. There is nothing good about catholics

your poor white male feelings..... POOR BABY

Its not the extremists of catholics