
This is juicy-sounding, but the real meat is the potential campaign finance violations. He decided to resign after a judge forced the release of a bunch of fundraising documents. It didn’t help him that he made few friends (and lots of enemies) on the way to the governor’s mansion. The GOP controls like 75 percent of

Ms. Packnett needs to calm down before she breaks a leg tumbling down that slippery slope.

Telling her to fuck off from the start would’ve been good, telling her to fuck off and then bringing back Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23 would’ve been better.

Overheard from the bench:

I’m not a Sanders voter. I voted for Hillary, who you apparently wanted to make queen and not a democratically elected official. What we can’t even have ANY diverging views within the party anymore?

This motherfucker got some likes on the Root so he thinks he’s our resident Civil Rights expert.

Louise Mensch? Your entire post is officially trash

I’m with you on the first paragraph, I think you are a little too optimistic about the blue tsunami, and I stopped reading at Louise Mensch. She’s the Alex Jones of the resistance. Nothing but conspiracy theories and tinfoil hats. We’d be much better off if everyone just followed actual journalists instead.

All this outrage, all this supposed diversity stuff, all the purity and “wokeness” is good for one thing: keeping it as it is for the middle classes and feel good about themselves. Completely inert political movement (if movement at all) with substitute radical chic and concerned only when their own ass is being

Yeah, but just falling in line is only going to result in more and more of those moments only inflicted by an ever rightwards shifting Democrat party who will tell us it is for our own good. At least the GOP don’t expect us to be grateful for pro-corporate and regressive rulings and legislation. A democrat who doesn’t

Fittipaldi says this tradition is weak

Cue up an Elon Musk tirade on Consumer Reports and how “ancient” they are along with a “Who still uses them anyway?” comment in 3, 2, 1...

funky buttlovin’

+1 Gardenhoser

This won’t last. Eventually, he’ll slip on a loose baseball and lose those overly tight tendons.

+1 and an approval from Papi

Put it on the poll Guillermo, does Alex Ovechkin look like he eats stinky food.

Ugh..Schumer’s an utter Israel apologist. can’t imagine what his response would be...

Yeah, the joke fell flat. He may be a bit of a provocateur, but it wasn’t even “so edgy it’s funny”, it just wasn’t funny. If it weren’t for ICE’s complete overreaction I’d say he was just another Twitter troll. ICE showing up and making a big stink though suddenly gave this guy a spotlight he didn’t have before. Way