
A “good, liberal” senator who wanted to make it illegal to boycott Israel.

“A good, liberal Senator” who has no problem taking money from Lockheed Martin and BCBS?

To me, this story, and the way it lays out the female experience of being considered undateable in our culture, points up something invaluable: That the feelings of rejection, anger, despair, even rage, are really similar between men and women. What’s different, of course, is how the protagonists choose to deal with

I didn’t find Wolf’s routine to be particularly funny (though I also agree she wasn’t joking about Sanders’ appearance). I thought, under any other President, it would have been a bit over the top in terms of the raw, almost spastic energy she brought to the routine.

As a citizen of the United States, it’s certainly unacceptable that a questionable series of laws exists that allow so many companies to base themselves in Delaware. Delaware certainly isn’t big enough to house so many corporate HQ’s if they were required to actually have their HQ personnel living in the DE/PA/MD/NJ

Honestly, you could say that about multiple socio-economic classes of the white people in this country.

Because the DNC and DCCC are actively discouraging progressive candidates and refusing to back them. They’re stuck on the centrist ideal. They’re terrified if they move even an iota to the left they’ll lose their jobs. In fact, they are trying to steer the party to the right to compensate for the extremist shift the

young people don’t run for office because by and large they don’t have the money or connections. then there’s the fact only ten state legislatures are full-time jobs that pay a salary one can live off of. then there the fact that at the federal level if you aren’t an incumbent in good standing or a handpicked

strangely, not so much at Daily Stormer, but among so many other right wing sites they’ve been picking up token jewish followers who like the alt right agenda while blindly ignoring the anti-Semitic angle of the whole deal. its weird. maybe they share the anti-muslim angle but come on..

While Staten Islanders get to take the ferry for free, they get JACKED on the Verrazano, which has tolls coming in from Brooklyn and New Jersey. Every other borough has at least one toll free way of traveling to Manhattan.

I’m Catholic and I don’t consider most Evangelicals to be sane. Having received a Jesuit education (the ones with actual science departments who don’t accept every idiot who stumbles onto campus) the last thing I want to hear is some bullshit from a Bob Jones University grad about literally any topic. Also, Laughing

Uh, the fired house Chaplain is Catholic. He was only the second Catholic to hold that role, he’s a jesuit priest.

Wait, so we’re going back to anti-Catholicism, again? Makes sense given how much we’ve regressed on so many other fronts.

Oh, he’s neighbors with Lrrr, leader of the planet Omicron Persei 8.

I’m just talkin’ ‘bout Shaft!

Shut your mouth.

I can’t dig it.

Oh good - more of the “this is the part where you laugh, because our clumsy delivery and bad jokes certainly won’t make it happen” variety of hosts. They still can’t speak even after years at WU.

I still kind of can’t believe that Jost is dating ScarJo.