
This is part of a larger issue with “educated” white people which was epitomized with nyt nazi article a while back. They simply cannot accept someone is racist unless they fit their “this is what a racist looks like” narrative. To them racists are all poor white trash living in trailers in some backwards southern

You trusted them after they conspired with Bush to spread propaganda about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction?

We need Lance Russell smoking a cigarette and some poor unfortunate Egg Sucking Dog getting a sick to the eye screaming “MY EYE!! DOCTOR!!!! GOD HELP ME!!!”

I’m glad the rest of American society doesn’t work this way. Now excuse me while I listen to music by Alan Thicke’s son, Billy Ray Cyrus’s daughter, and Loudon Wainwright III’s son and then watch a movie with Rocky Johnson’s son or maybe one with Robert Pine’s son, Patty Duke’s son or Goldie Hawn’s daughter. Or maybe

I didn’t go to j-school but I’m pretty sure in the business that’s called a “lead”

Listen: Jezebel supports, especially women who’ve been sexually assualted. Listen and believe is their motto.

Awesome. This’ll be one “comedian” I’ll be happy to see buried under the pile of his own making.

Wow. This whole story boils down to some shoddy reporting/journalism in Jezebel’s mind? So disappointed. If this were not a story about a “woke” “ally” currently in favor, this would have had an entirely different spin. Way to go.

The revelation that Grace didn’t come to Babe, Babe came to Grace raises questions about the website’s eagerness to tell this kind of story and why.

The thing is if they want to have a conversation about how journalists pursue these types of stories go ahead, but don’t do it at the same time you’re talking about an allegation against a famous Man U like.

Jezebel, What Are You Doing? Days of silence on the topic, and then what comes forth is not actually the thinkpiece on sexual coercion and the “ways consent can feel blurring”, on how predators purposefully use bullshit excuses about “miscommunication” to get away with it, about how Ansari is more representative of

This piece is unreal. I’ve been looking for Jez’s take on this for over 24 hours. They haven’t covered it at all except to say that Babe did it badly. Way to have those tough conversations, Jez

The pedos tend to have the most protection, as has been seen in the many cases of high-level pederasty in governments, media and boardrooms around the world. Look at how long Jimmy Saville got away with molesting hundreds. Or Sandusky. Human-trafficking (of adults as well) is one of the most lucrative businesses in

Would it have been better if they just published rumors that just happened to be true? They published a women’s account of being pressured into a sexual interaction she wasn’t comfortable with, and one in which the man repeatedly ignored her cues that she was uncomfortable. That’s newsworthy.

This is the best deconstruction of a terrible article I’ve seen recently. It is like she put buzzwords into a post modern sentence generator and came out with this nonsense. Intersectionality is post modern cancer.

“to allow more women and men to access our legal system to hold wrongdoers accountable.”

I don’t think they said anything about Margaret Atwood’s recent op-ed either

“This last point especially comes through with consistency: Firings are not nearly enough.”

Where’s the story about Aziz? Nothing on Jezebel, nothing on Splinter.

Speaking of enabling, you guys should go after Jezebel. They caterwauled nonstop about Louis CK (rightfully) but nothing on Aziz Ansari’s horrific date night behavior. I know hes done that with more than one woman too.