
There wasn’t any Israel for over 2000 years. Most of the Jews who remained there mixed up with other people passing through and became what we today call Palestinians. Then late 19th century a bunch of Jews in Europe had had enough of antisemitism so they figured they needed a country of their own. This being the days

Israel support has always been bipartisanly stupid. Especially when the politician in question is a Jew.

Then at 18:00 and 20:55. Holy crap. Protect that guy at all costs.

He also comes in at 14:40 to kill it a second time.

Of course. The Democrats have always been horrible on Israel. Schumer backed this decision. It’s one of many things that makes the Democrats a joke.

we already have a large low skill low education poor class in this country, and the jobs available for them are and will continue to shrink due to automation, so we do not need to import millions of illegal aliens who compete for those same jobs.

Oooh! Will she tackle public schooling this season!? 😋

Yes, this is exactly the type of show that will win round all those people who supported Trump in 2016 to the Democratic Party. Because smug condescension and regular references to our opponents’ stupidity is precisely the winning strategy for converting the deplorables...

Now playing

Joe Poor White Guy doesn’t just think you’ll brand him, you do brand him. There is no nuance with feminism

I don’t object to the word feminism, but I’m starting to see a trend these days: people are feeling awfully left out. Now, mind you, these are people who have advantages, but the thing is, you can’t argue with perceptions and feelings. You can’t say, well, you’re NOT left out. It’s not that they’re left out of

Susana Martinez? Ahh, it is. The infamous hotel party incident.

I look forward to 2023 “Why isn’t Chelsea Clinton polling 50 points ahead of Rand Paul? The answer is anti-Satanism”

You can look forward to next year’s article “2019 - The Year We REALLY Resist!” and so on every year.

An Oprah Presidency means she would instate known quack Dr. Oz as either Surgeon General or Director of Health and Human Services.

This “Oprah should run for president” has not been a fun joke for me. It has sent my anxiety levels into geosynchronous orbit. My worst nightmare is having to choose between Trump-Pence and Zuckerberg-Clooney in 2020, and this is getting alarmingly close to that. And the shadow of calls to campaign has completely

If limiting the presidency to people willing to only have more stuff than half the country instead of having more stuff than 99.9% of the country would prevent anyone from running for president, then the presidency can just be abolished entirely like it actually should be.

“we all know that Oprah would probably be a great president”

Before Roe v. Wade, the number of women who died or lost their ability to reproduce after having back-alley and coat-hanger abortions were the primary argument of the pro-choice movement. Not “women have a right to bodily autonomy”, but “women will die if abortion is illegal; here’s a graphic picture of a naked woman