
More like “America, stuff breaks sometimes and fixing it isn’t immediate.”

in my opinion, this is a problem with all music genres right now, and not just the ‘white’ ones. everything is converging into a monolithic sound, regardless of its source (rap, rock, pop, country, techno).

white music seems to have figured out that black music is where it’s at.

And furlough millions of government workers that need to feed their families, pay rent/mortgages and other bills. This has been discussed before as a poor way of going about saving DACA. If you want to create a ton of resentment from regular people just doing their government jobs to prove a moral point, then by all

If you think that’s not a bubble, you’re kidding yourself. I hope you’re well diversified before those markets correct.

CP3 is better than all these Pauls.

Lots of mormons love him for no other reason than that really really bad religious music he’s produced over the years. I tried to shake his hand and say hello outside a Jazz game a few years ago and he flat out ignored me.

He didn’t just decide to retire on his own. The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles undoubtedly told him to GTFO to make way for Romney who will, if things play out correctly with Mueller, become president and fulfill the White Horse Prophecy.

Honestly? Yeah. Otherwise Lemonade is a poor man’s take on Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon since it’s an album and has singing.

‘Man of the Woods’ sounds masculine. Masculine is bad and evil. Come on that one was easy!

“ Beyoncé, Jay Z, SZA, Kendrick Lamar, Solange “


Buckwheat was wookin pa nub, not white supremacists.

I am so, so tired of ignorant and trashy. I am tired of the talentless celebrities, the reality “stars”, the Trump family and its enablers, the provacateurs” ... All of them. I want better, but it isn’t going to happen. They will continue to be rewarded for their dumbassery and asshole behavior.

Just look at a photo of Tom Perez and you have your answer. They’re are corrupt, they refuse to fight for progressive causes, and any money I give them would go to support Evan Bayh or Erskine Bowles in another losing tepid pale centrist election.

If a reporter went to a Hasidic/Ultra-Orthodox Brooklyn, here would be some of the reasons why they still love Trump.