

Nobody, cracker or otherwise, ran Anderson out of CoMo. His suitcase was packed for Fayetteville from the day he arrived.

Dammit..I have to go binge watch father ted now.

Thanks for ruining my day and reminding me that only the Fucking Blues can make Wayne Fucking Gretzky’s defining moment with a team a series-ending giveaway against a rival colossus in what may have been the 90s Blues’ (playoffs every single fucking year) best shot at a Cup.

You can give me crap about growing up in St. Louis all you want, but damn if I don’t miss being able to go to the gas station, buy beer, liquor, tobacco products, and Powerball all in one go :P

Ping of the puck going off the post woulda been my number one. When I played I almost liked hitting the post as much as actually scoring.

My research indicates Lorde is a male in his 40's from South Park, Colorado.

(not pictured: the phonebook Ben is standing on)

here’s another of ya boy ben “5'4"” shapiro explaining how abortion rights are actually bad for women:

ben shapiro is a 5'4" manlet and he’s extremely embarrassed about that

Let us not forget the brilliance of Oklahoma.

It’s not a gay or straight thing. It’s a Mac thing.

I watched the premier of Bob’s Burgers long ago when it came out and thought it was ok. A couple years later, I started rewatching it online and upon second watching, thought it was fantastic! My favorite episode is the one where they did a Working Girl/Die Hard play called Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl!

I wonder if he hit her with a Brick.

“Whatever it is YOU like, my prince!”

I couldnt help but think she’s the new princess of Zamunda.

Those were our toughest names

That shade is so massive that it might just lead to a new ice age.

Still not a foul in Allen Fieldhouse

It is, because we’re talking KU basketball here. They wouldn’t waste time with the phone call they would just make someone disappear.