
@zakmckrackenandthealienmindbenders This dude seems honest #handsome2

But we must never forget the incredible cars of Archer:

Maybe they didn’t care. Deadspin had Greg Howard on staff and he had an arrest for assaulting a woman at a bar. Sometimes guys let their friends slide unfortunately.

Liberals ruined the country with their false equivalence fallacies. Whining about Trump doesn’t excuse them from staying home on election day. Fuck the liberal hypocrites who didn’t lift a finger to stop Trump, starting with that cunt Colin Kaepernick, the embodiment of millennial slacktivism.

I said this in a post last week on here, but in Missouri in general and St. Louis in particular, soccer is HUGE. This is not a case of soccer being a “pansy European socialist sport,” and that Greitens would have handed out money if it were FOOBAW. People want the MLS badly here, and he’s kinda going against the

Call your representatives up and tell them to take a cue from St. Louis.

Call your representatives up and tell them to take a cue from St. Louis.

Georgia Coach - Suuh, you have insulted my honor! I demand satisfaction! I challenge you to a duel!

Man, that might be the worst part of leaving NC. I do miss them. That tweet is fire too.

I’m afraid you misspelled Coach K’s name

Thug Robinson’s foul on Phil Pressey I mean no call on Phil Pressey and Mizzou sealed up a B12 con job one year.

To: Kansas/K-State crew

If the K-State fans even look at the Squawks funny there will be a fine. That’s how Big 12 basketball works.

Greitens paid himself a lot of money from his “charity”. Power corrupts.

Couldn’t read his book because I didn’t know about it. He wanted to shoot guns instead of explain his policies, so if he doesn’t give a shit about communicating them, then why the hell should I care? Its obvious the voters don’t give a shit about them either that’s why he created the ad.

He also wants to cut assistance to working families , so that’s pretty unhumanitarian, I’d say.

He paid himself 1.7million from that “charity”.