I know I’m just a gray level dork here, but here’s a short list:
I know I’m just a gray level dork here, but here’s a short list:
No need to say those words even now. I assure you he will find other ways to further fuck this state.
Trust me: the more you know, the less you’ll like.
Never forget:
Pretty sure you mean Log.
What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs and even goes offroad? A thing a thing a marvelous thing, everyone knows it’s Amigo!
One of the few things Daniel Tosh has done that is actually funny is relevant here:
God damn, Haaretz went from the New York Times of Israel to the Hysterical Pravda of Israel so quick. So I guess what I’m saying is Haaretz went from the New York Times of Israel to the the New York Times of Israel.
What is the Wahhabist/KSA ruling class opinion about Yemen? Is it just that Yemen belongs to Saudi Arabia (or some kind of revenge for like Mr. Wahhab’s military loss at Sana’a or something?), are the Houthis haram or what? What nonsense is the KSA ruling class perpetuating about Yemen and Yemeni history that is…
I have serious concerns about fracking, but the one thing that could make me support it is its potential in helping to de-fund the Saudis.
My brother works for Aramco but things are different now. They have a private compound in which there are no religious police. The women can drive on the compound, wear shorts, whatever. They do sort of enforce the liquor bans and whatnot, but in the stores on the compound they sell things like moonshine kits, though…
How about the guy who wrote this.
Forgetting about Drew Magary and his magnum opus right here: http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/donald-trump-is-going-to-get-his-ass-kicked-on-tuesday-1788618628
-100, no Michael Tracey
I think you might be forgetting a certain writer ...
To be fair, the 12th man stuff is lame as fuck.
Maroon scores against Blues in state of origin?
For people outside of the local market, Jim Moore is an unassuming fuddy-duddy WSU grad (lovable loser) that asks John Clayton gambling questions and says “is that right?” whenever the other hosts bust his balls. He’ll handle this better than almost anyone.
“Ice Bear finds this relaxing”