Yeah, to add the ones already here in the thread, what about Dime Box, TX? I’d admit Hoop and Holler, TX isn’t exactly lewd. Or you could visit Woman Hollering (which is a creek, not a city, but still appropriate). Or what about Glasscock, TX? Or Shafter, TX?
Texas has towns called Ding Dong, Hogeye, Cut And Shoot, White Settlement, and Loco.
They messed up for Georgia. There is no town called Butts. There is a Butts county, GA however. Even so, the best dirty town name is Cumming, GA. Kicks the shit out of those North Dakota impostors. It works so much better without the ‘s’ at the end.
I think Mianus is waaaaaaay better than any other city in CT.
Considering the volume of I-94 traffic, I would have thought Climax would have been Michigan’s entry. Seriously, has anyone ever driven past Exit 88 without some jackass or jillass in the car making Rocket Queen noises?
Seriously, I mean there’s a Ding Dong, TX and a Tool, TX.
I made a note of many of these towns (Cooter jumps out at me the most) when I drove from CT to CA as an 18-year old fresh out of high school. Honorable mentions should go to Bald Knob (although I can’t remember what state) and Boner Ranch. Technically not a town or city, more of a state of mind.
Flower Mound
I notice it becomes “STICK TER SPERTZ” when it’s politics they don’t agree with.
Clicks are way down. The site is dying.
Growing up on the Southside of Chicago...Blacks had more respect for the working class racists White Sox fucks that resided in Bridgeport, who TERRORIZED anyone who didn’t pass the paperbag test within a 3 mile radius of Comiskey Park than for the subversive, uber ashole rich folks that celebrated the Cubs...THIS is a…
This needs to be played for every no fun baseball guy, perhaps especially no fun former baseball guys who talk about “in my day...” because they’re just so so objectively wrong. Baseball is fun. Baseball is about rubbing your opponents nose in it. Baseball is good.
Craig Counsell is still everyone’s favorite player in Phoenix. The guy hit like .250 but was on a team that won the 2001 World Series for being the 1st guy off the bench that could play any position. He held the bat way above his head and for that, he gets more applause than anybody except Goldschmidt when they…
I’ve never seen a professional athlete who was more of A Dad than Lawless. I bet he went back to get his bat after flipping it because he needed more scrap lumber for the deck he was building out in the backyard.
I think he capped it off with the absurdly long, slow walk and not the emphatic bat-flip. When I watched the video I was hoping he was going to get to home plate after the long, slow walk and then pick up the bat and flip it. That would have been something
It’s not bad! Crazy that a few writers from the east coast would get everywhere wrong!
Dafuq is Deadspin writing good things about a Cardinals player?
In fairness to the Rams, they’ve been treating their home fans with utter scorn and contempt for the past 3 or 4 years. Old habits are hard to break.