
They did!

Funny you say that: the Blues just offered him four tickets for Game 3 of the CDF.

Missouri is a weird race, partially because people still have really bad memories of Roy’s kid as governor (there was a very good reason people used a word that rhymes with “Blunt” to describe him), plus likely a huge break between the business and religious wings of the GOP over SJR 39. Plus the Dems (at least in


As this site says regarding (my team) the Cards:

No, because if you saw Games 5 and 6 you’d know that if this team had Kirk Muller or Rand Pecknold or Nate Leaman running the show they wouldn’t have played tonight.

I’m so fucking happy. Plus Dallas matches up real well with the Blues.

Jerryl Wayne “Jerrah” Jones has already said he’s blocked out Jerrahworld for one of the Cowboys’ road weekends to host Canelo/GGG, and they’d be fools not to take it. Even the gate receipts from that will be massive, not to mention the PPV figures/foreign rights.

The NHL: where all teams are equal, but some teams are more equal than others.

If anything is the definition of “personal luxury car”, this is it.

Now playing

Am I the only one that read this (great) article with this music in their head?

The third is Keith, but it could honestly be the four worst people, depending on your feelings on Brent “Wakey-wakey, Backes!” Seabrook.

This is the same game where Robby Fabbri was shoved into Crawford, Crawford left his crease to beat on Fabbri, and Fabbri was given the extra penalty for GK interference.

This is a good post because the Hawks will be descending into the 10th circle of Salary Cap Hell on Thursday (it’d be the 9th, if Panarin’s incentives didn’t kick in)

The best takes come from a random guy:

Oh, I was at Game 1. I got to start a “NO MEANS NO!” chant when Kane was right in front of us.

Don’t credit me, credit someone on Reddit:

Maybe at Game 5, STL fans should throw more things. Because that’s what Good Fans do.

When I was at college, I roomed (and am still great friends, despite him being a massive Hawks fan and me, well, not) with a guy who legit grew up in Chicago (had a 312 mobile phone area code and everything). There was nothing, NOTHING he hated more than all the people from Barrington/Highland

Are my eyes deceiving me, or did Deadspin just write something non-critical about the Cardinals?