
Let me guess…

“Nobody tries anything different or daring anymore.”

Blue interiors need to make a comeback.

I insist that it is a perfectly reasonable hatred but I am told my desire to steal every Nissan Cube in existence and roll them one by one off the edge of a quarry is “irrational” and “a bit concerning” whatever the hell that means.

I’m bored with six-figure techbromobiles.

Podcasts. You need podcasts.

Is it possible for the authors to get COTD because this one was probably exhausting to write and well detailed to boot.

i just made pantsmess

“but I don’t blame the dealers and I don’t blame the banks.”

Full sized trucks have been powerful enough for 10 years. Find something else to improve please.

Have you ever seen the way a dog arches its back when it drops a deuce? That, basically, in car form. That’s what I see when I look at this car. I imagine the car looking over its shoulder at me — like a dog — giving me that look like: “Hey, uh... Little privacy here?” But it’s a dog. What expectations of privacy

Still better than Rimac’s limp mode.

Now playing

I suppose it would make the pit maneuver a bit harder to pull off.

I would brag about how lovely SoCal is and how since it’s only 50-80º Freedom Units at any given point of the year, it’s always grilling weather...


The truth is, most driving is boring these days, regardless of what you’re driving. The daily traffic-riddled commute, popping out for groceries, etc. I do those things in a highly entertaining car, and they still aren’t exactly what I’d call fun.

I hate to sound like a callous 1% profiteer, but this does not concern me. When interest rates rise on low score buyers, the prices of the new cars will have to come down to compensate. Meanwhile those with high scores will enjoy fierce competition for our business with still-great rates and the aforementioned lower