
For some reason her and Megan Mullaly have gotten hotter to me as they've gotten older. Those crows-feet are just working for me. I don't know what it is.

Yeah, I developed some sympathy for Richards after watching that. He's a weird dude, but he seemed sincere in his remorse. At the end of the day what he did was no different than Tracey Morgan. He crossed a line in a terrible attempt to make a joke.

Well, I think that goes with the time capsule part. Every movie from this era had to have some run-in with hippies.

Just like that time I took my hand out on my boat. I didn't have to be forceful but she knew what was up.

Yeah, but the rhymes over the melody are clearly ripping off the BB-boys. If the melody gave way to soulful singing then maybe they'd have a case.