
@Alex_Mexico: The fanboism needs to stop on both sides. You're entitled to say the game will have at least 20 hours of gameplay because of developer comments, but the quality of that gameplay is up in the air until you've actually played the damned game. Yeesh-da.

@Prodigy_BE: I think the issue is that requiring you to manage your disk space removes the pick-up-and-play appeal that makes consoles better than PC games.

At ninety minutes it doesn't need a pause and skip, it needs fast forward, rewind, and chapter select buttons

That thing looks like it'd be annoying as hell to move for a LAN party though. All those jutting angles, fittings that stick out, not to mention its probable weight.

If you lock them in a room with no food or water does Child Services take them away like they do in the Sims? I never got to have a baby ghost in that freaking game...

@TurinTurambar: "I'm pretty sure Britain passed, or at least tried to pass, similar legislation a few years back. Could the US be next?

@D Mitsuki: "Sex is natural, so is violence, violence brings more then sex ironically though, if it wasn't for violence you wouldn't be typing on that computer.

@超外人: I dunno, I've seen my fair share of summer blockbusters that weren't all that worried over story. Awe inspiring scenery and big explosions sound like a good time for an hour and a half with some friends.

@Evangel: Sex = good, violence = bad.

The beard is awesome. Go beards!

First of all, I have to say I disagree with the basic premise of the (translated) press release. I don't believe that interactive media, even erotic games, are somehow warping individuals who then go out and kidnap/murder children on the streets of Japan. That argument is just as specious as the argument that GTA

Well crap. I guess I'm not getting a PS3 this year, barring some surprising third party PS3 exclusives. :(

I can't say I feel murdering a person is ever justifiable, even if it was decided by a jury. Execution is ethically questionable at best, costs more after appeals than life in prison, and has never been shown to actually deter criminals from murdering others. Juries also have a disturbing tendency to send more

Man, who didn't think to waterproof the sex-droid? Honestly, that's false advertising; there are plenty of kinks that are tossed out the window the moment water shorts it. What good is a sex-bot that can't be used however you like? :P

Look ma! Public relations!