
I do think one thing was unambiguously true in Nora's narrative. Whatever happened, she's at peace with having lost her family.

I've gone back and forth on Matt throughout the series but I'm glad the last we see of him, he was being lovely and kind.

Everyone lies. Even the nun. And like she said, it makes a prettier story.

I don't know if it's against the rules to refer to other reviewers so I'll just reference someone whose name rhymes with weapons-all- who makes a good case for her having a change of heart. OR that the script deliberately wants us to not know for sure. Upon re-watching, I think it's the latter.
And that's fitting. As

I think she's definitely broken, or more broken than ever we've seen her but I didn't get a clear signal that she'd settled on a choice. Rather, it seemed like she was maybe facing the reality that nothing she (or anyone else) did mattered.

It seemed to me that Nora was associating the kill joy who deflated the beach ball with her own job, in response to Laurie asking if she was going to call to shut down the scientists' apparatus. What a weird position she's been negotiating (AND she's standing on a cliff, duh) to be simultaneously being a seeker of

They are both broken yet strong, complex and sometimes contradictory, characters.

I'm not sure but now I want a spin off with the 2 doctors. What a pair.

Google "Riley Stearns" — that's MEW's husband. Ray might actually be better looking.

and those mossy teeth deserve an emmy of their own.

with all my heart, I hope she really loves/believes in him and isn't just taking him for a ride.

Gloria's automatic door issue also sorta funny given a similar issue happening in Carrie Coon's other role on The Leftovers this very week

The show is certainly keeping that ambiguity upfront by having that somewhat forced tête à tête w/ Dawes in the Previouslys.
So we're juggling that AND Naomi's secret AND whatever the hell is going on w/Amos. Welcome to The Expanse: Who's Zooming Who?

I want her to say "fuck" at least once in every remaining episode. I also love that she has the upper hand on Enright, who is The Best Weasel Ever. And that she know that he knows that she knows etc. because theyre both such ruthless players.

re the Mars crew: ambiguous as that last shot was, Draper will survive. Judging by the PR about the lengths to which the Expanse producers went in order to cast the role, they have more for Bobbie to do. Besides they'd have to contend with riots in New Zealand if Frankie Adams got fired.

I half expect Brace to put the ship back together overnight, with a kind of do I have to do everything around here attitude.

Call me a monster but I'm not going to miss gratuitous Cockney Waif
trope. The young actor was doing her best but the kid was a walking target from the
first scene.

He (actor is Bruce Altman) also had a brief unforgettable run as Root's (ultimately horribly traumatized) psychiatrist in S3 of Person of Interest.

I'm disappointed in that thread not getting tied up.

Perhaps a modest dog-sitting stipend?