Bronx Resident Benjamin White

Oh, so the West Bank is part of a free and independent Palestine? 

If you want to free Palestine from Hamas, you need to free Palestine from occupation.

They probably park on the street and have no garage.

RevZilla did a lengthy article about this ruling:

There's better places he could've taken his wife, and the locals wouldn't secretly hate him for being there. 

#4 was an idiot who compounded his error by filing a lawsuit against the track and the track day organizers for gross negligence over the sandbag he hit then he went off track.  Luckily, the judge didn't buy his arguments. 

Who knew being an unlikeable asshole would also make you unpopular among other unlikeable assholes?

Is Israel at war with Hamas or are they at war with every Palestinian? Or do you believe that every Palestinian is Hamas?

That’s been domestic thinking since forever. Back in the 70's Ford tried to advertise the Grenada as a better vehicle than the BMW 5-series.

We could do better than that with cars that had performance that nobody remembers:

You know what makes America great? We have the ability to turn right on red. It’s as American as baseball, Mom, and apple pie. You get rid of this and you get rid of America. Is that what you really want?

Well, if the boot fits, lick it.

If they want me to charge faster, they should stick some cash under the windshield wiper so I can buy a faster charging car.

The worst thing about this is that no matter how many times the GOP shoot themselves in the foot, the damn thing grows back like a lizard tail.  

Being high at the time didn’t protect me from my DUI, and it shouldn’t protect him from his bad business acumen.

Quite impressive that he can Livestream in between running a car company, a rocket company, a former social media company, a tunnel company, a brain implant company, a solar company, while being hardcore and sleeping on the factory floor. 

The way scalpers scoop up everything to try and flip on eBay, not surprised that he blew that much on Pokemon 

Why can't he be normal and blow all that money on hookers and blow like any irresponsible heir would do? 

As if that ever happened.