Bronx Resident Benjamin White

No, tell Disney so they can get sued for trademark infringement 

In 30 years it will be it’s own island

DeSantis is stupid. He was dumb enough to target them, and dumb enough to get played by Mickey Mouse’s lawyers (as opposed to the Mickey Mouse lawyers he had that never saw it coming even though they did it in plain sight before a public hearing).

Disney still owns the land. What makes your think they're not willing to let nature reclaim it? 

“Does the state want us to invest more, or not?”

And L&O writers are lurking in the distance, hoping their strike ends quickly.  

They exist because you keep giving them money, and no incentive to fix bad behavior. Loot boxes became a thing because they saw how much money they can pull from gamers. Same with locking games behind DLC, and insane Day One patches. Threatening developers doesn't fix the problem. Voting with your wallet does.  

Black man with goatee, I mean, the resemblance is striking! 

Not in my backyard, if I have anything to say about this! 

We have morals here, goshdarnit.

Paul Wheelan isn’t mentioned anymore because the outrage from his “supporters” was fleeting and lasted about as long as Griner was newsworthy.

Some people will tell you, “ Where there’s smoke, there’s a fire.”

Dear Trump: Do it! Please, sink your defense even further with your nonsensical rants by telling the jury something stupid like, “I wouldn’t rape her with a 10-foot pole!”

Do they really want her on the picket line?  Because to me, that's grounds for the SAG to demand their cut every time an actor edits the script, and the studios aren't going to pay extra for that. 

Hiring Bob Odenkirk to be in character as Saul Goodman would've been a better defense than this. 

I think it’s great that she doesn’t set the bar high for satisfying sex. You can only do kinky shit so many times before you end up in the hospital having an awkward conversation with the ER doctor.

I guess it's not like rain on your wedding day. 

All she had to do was drive a block and a half...

he would have to be blind not to see the writing on the wall if he’s the one doing all the writing.

Probably why it’s up for sale right now.