Party over country/family/morals
Party over country/family/morals
Who eats this shit?
They tried that under Felipe Calderon. It failed, badly. During those years, it was probably safer to walk the streets of Baghdad.
This looks like it was plucked from a C6 'vette. A
State Department has Romania classed as Tier 2 (high) on their trafficking in persons watchlist. That means the government doesn’t have trafficking under control, but they’re making progress to get to the Tier 1 status.
Small dick energy means having the last word on any internet argument.
If neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor the gloom of night is going to stop a deliveryperson from making their appointed rounds, an 18-wheeler sure as hell isn’t going to either.
I hear you. I went to the game store to get a D&D set. But I knew something was missing when I opened up the box. I took it back and asked for a refund.
Won’t somebody think of the carbon emissions from this epic burn?
I think there were people who underestimated how bad this was going to get. I worked with a guy from buffalo who used to laugh at the panic buying that went on in DC whenever the forecast called for anything more than six inches. I could see somebody like him thinking that this was being blown out of proportion. My…
In third world countries, killing gas subsidies is enough to topple governments. It stops being a question of political will when it gets to the tire burning stage.
NP, if your name is Wayne or Garth.
At the time of this posting, $TSLA was at $124 and falling.
Duckworth tried to get the bill passed by a procedure known as ‘unanimous consent’ It’s a shortcut that lets a bill pass without having to go to a floor vote as long as no objections are raised.
Both were established by Mazda in 1991. Efini was folded a year (1997) before Autozam did.
You’ll at least have one bid for that much, might go for more.
Problem is that America doesn’t really want to talk about or work on it. Even as we bring it out in the open, Americans can’t even bring themselves to admit it. See the backlash against teaching The 1619 Project in schools, and the current obsession with ‘wokeism’
Well, there is that whole ‘Boris Johnson’ affair. He did make a name for himself back when he was a columnist for The Telegraph.