I push to rename the state South Idaho.
I push to rename the state South Idaho.
Can take be considered losing sales when they're all sold out?
Too bad there’s no union to tell Honda to kick rocks.
Nope, apparently it just magicks itself because there’s an oil pump and refinery right next to the bathrooms at every gas station.
No, but it does leave a lot of contaminated dirt and water because it spills everywhere.
Shit like this is why I’m disappointed that this stock keeps getting propped up by idiots trying to send it, “to the moon.”
Endless global conspiracies are incredibly boring, and the way AC handled it is one of the reasons why I checked out of this series.
Non-snarky PSA for the unworldly: its pronounced Ni-jher like you’re French, not Nie-jer, like you got cut off trying to say Nigeria.
Sorry, but my landlord still doesn’t accept Bitcoin as payment for the rent.
And the suppression of the Mau Mau rebellion.
She was more Betty White than Betty White herself.
That's a ballsy move, if you ask me.
I love biking, but I’m not recommending it anymore. My job has lost three employees this summer who were killed in bicycle accidents.
It got through because people in America aren’t aware of minstrel shows. It’s also explains why they’re so dumbfounded over being fired for posting blackface pictures to their facebook.
BREAKING: Self-fulfilling prophecy fulfills itself. Details at eleven..
I blame this on the Hellcat.
I hope this metaverse is what drags Facebook into the grave.
And that’s how Altered Carbon got its Methuselahs.
It’s enough to make me buy a Bolt just to see their salty tears.