Bronx Resident Benjamin White

It’s for fidelity

I refuse to believe that we will not have a December to Remember™️. That’s just unAmerican.

But it's in red letters!  That has to mean something. 

They’re like Youts. 

The American version looks better

I want him to get hit so hard that he ends up on the street with a, “Will Work For Food,” sign and when some kind soul finds it in their heart to spare a penny or two, a lawyer is there to scoop it from his jungle cup to give to the families whose lives were a living hell because of him.

It’s a Yugo. That's automatic ND, I don't care how nostalgic you are for the 80's. 

Not for her. A loaner WITH gas paid for?  They can take all the time they need to fix it. 

Haha. It’ll get appealed for a lower amount and whatever is left to get eaten up by the lawyers and leave you with less than what GM offered.

If Kyler Murray thinks at least four hours of film each week will make his game better, then he will be spending at least four hours each week watching film. There was no need for the Cardinals to make this mandatory, and that shit was insulting. Murray knows what it takes to remain a starting quarterback in the NFL,

It’s the racist bone in his body. That’s why his leg was acting up.

The countries he operated in didn’t have the legal structure to investigate or prosecute him. Even now, he’s never faced justice for any of the arms dealing he did in Africa.

Im going to post a comment on this celebrity gossip blog to question why we are gossiping about a celebrity.

Bout was portrayed by Nicolas Cage in the 2005 film, Lord of War. In addition to selling arms to Colombian terrorists, he has also has alleged involvement in supplying arms to Angola, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and DRC, plus allegations that supplying al Queda and the Taliban, and may have operated in Libya during

Lots of people need this warning:

“A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World Before the Truth Puts On its Shoes.”

He wouldn’t be rich.

God says, “hello.”

Hes the type that spits fire and venom about ‘freedom’ because he doesn’t like 25-year import restrictions, EPA-issued fines for modifying trucks to roll coal, and HOV lanes.

I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.