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    Its certainly not hard depending on your level of knowledge and how you would like it to stream/record

    I don’t even own my degree yet :(

    Is it best to just ask our family doctor about it?

    Hello Dr. Patel, My wife suffers from TMJ and has not found anything that can giver her long term relief. I am in PA, so medical marijuana just became legal. Is this something we should peruse?

    Gotta get a pfsense box running!

    Unless you need to drift ;)

    There is no end in my ability to sleep! At my current job i have to be up between 4AM-5AM to get home at a decent time(I commute an hour and fifteen minutes)! It kills me every morning! My sleep cycle alarm stopped working when i got married because we both move around. Luckily this is only until may since i’m an

    Everydollar.com is another sweet resource.

    Bankrate what is your take on not having any debt so you eventually do not have a credit score?

    If you don’t have a credit score you can get a loan for a house from a company that does manual underwriting. My advice would be to avoid credit. It costs way to much in interest to have a good credit score!