
More people I know are going back to breeders because of the ridiculous hoops that shelters are making adopters jump through.

Real talk though I am going to be FIRST in line for Skywalker hands

Beer sucks. Never liked it. When I drink, I get straight to the point. Hard liquor.’re kinda a jerk...(actually, remove the kinda...).

Yeah but this one tries to sell you things.

LOL at all the idiots getting their panties in a bunch over this. They do this because they can, because let’s be honest, we’ve ALL SAID something along these lines. It could have been funny at the moment or not, we’ve all done it. Fuck all the over sensitive people. fuck’em

What’s the difference between porcupines and BMWs?

This is why I don’t have a father.

Lovely pic, but... that’s not a pizza box under her feet, is it?

Some people just REALLY want to get out of Detroit.

It’s almost like a lot of the commenters have a gross misunderstanding of who works a minimum wage job, which is, somebody who made a choice to do so.

Your graphic may show who works minimum wage jobs, but it does not reflect what minimum wage jobs where meant to do. People with no aspirations to learn, improve themselves, or work hard make a career out of minimum wage jobs. They were meant to be lousy so people would work them for as short a time as possible and

The minimum wage should be abolished out-right. The percentage of the workforce that actually earns the minimum wage is minuscule. These are jobs for teenagers, part time extra cash and something-to-do on the weekends or while the kids are at school. Entry level, no/low skill jobs aren’t about the money in most cases.

This reminds me of what I did around this time last year when I was bored at work...

I’ll meeting with my lawyer tomorrow. This will never change out of my will. The replacement (being that the tazers cannot be provided) will be a buttermilk drinking contest. Puking disqualifies.

I would hate staring at people at stoplights though.