
Funny how many people commenting here still believe all SUVs, CUVs drive horrible because of “high center of gravity”. Clearly most have never driven any German performance SUV/CUV, or even looked at the handling numbers. The Macan out handles many sport sedans. While nothing replaces a sports car, technology does

God forbid a woman not be a liberal. Everyone is a racist if they don’t agree with the liberals! Can’t even have a real discussion without accusing an opposite opinion of being stupid. News flash guys, most of us aren’t racist, we just don’t agree with your views.

Man you liberals are so butt hurt about life. Get over yourselves. Nothing is going to change in the world because of one president.

The Lexus lineup reminds me of the wings west body kits from the sport compact car days.

Nissan is the new Mitsubishi. Low quality, lackluster cars for the credit challenged.  

Repair places are designed to make money for their owners & employees, not give away their time. Since when did it become a crime to make money doing something most people can’t on their own?

If you have three kids crying and screaming in public you have failed as a parent. You are also probably raising kids who will be prime candidates for “safe places” when they grow up.

The first picture certainly looks like the type of guy who goes broke owning an old BMW.

I bet you could do a better job Ashley, LOL.

So as a Hillary supporter you agree with her suppression of Bill’s treatment of women over the years? Since you agree with her you must. No one is getting stripped of any rights just because Trump is president. That’s now how government works. Let me know what rights you think will be lost and by whom? You will

Believing in equality has nothing to do with why Trump won the election. The people who voted for him are tired of the way government has been going. I live in Upstate NY, a place where we get taxed like crazy in the middle class and have a stagnant local economy. It’s getting worse every year. Any attempt at

Blame that whiny little bitch Alex Pareene. Find him a safe place! Quick!

You should probably add to that list maybe some source of education for all you ignorant folks that really think this is the end of the world. Get over yourself.

Sounds like you are really angry about something that isn’t even going to happen. Nothing is going to change for the worse for any minorities. You are substituting “immigrants” for “illegal immigrants” of which some have been rapists and murderers. By liberal logic on gun control, if we can stop even one death we

Explain how he is a racist, what facts do you have? He doesn’t want people entering the country illegally? - Nothing to do with race. Once upon a time he may have not rented property to black people? - Was common practice as they tended to destroy rental properties, not right but experience & stats don’t lie. There

Donald Trump winning is simply the result of Hillary Clinton being such a horrible candidate in the first place. Good luck convincing yourself it means anything else. Most of the country isn’t sexist, racist, ect. They just got tired of business as usual. Trump probably wont bring change, but hes the first

I don’t know what was “Must read” about this lame story about a terrible vehicle. Everything about the Blazer was bad from the time it first debuted until it died its miserable death.

You’ve obviously never driven one. Many handle better than sports cars.

There’s a reason they laugh, you’re wrong.

That’s because the Fords and GMs are around long enough to rust. Around here I don’t even see any older Rams at all. Rusted to death.