
I nominate Deadmau5 and his McLaren used for Uber.

“The service manager shoved his hands into the wheel well while it was parked and said, “Nope, don’t see ‘em.””

Before you sell the GTR, you can try to register the car in CA and tell us about that story. I expect expletives that would rival Saddam Hussein being dragged out of his hole in the ground.

With a name like Break Buffalo, I would buy one just because.

I am going to leave this one here just to gawk: 944 with electric drive train. This project is dedication.

Holy shit! Why!?

CA gives me grief on my 4 cylinder car barely failing smog and this flame throwing Beetle gets a free pass on city streets. j/k

Since we are venturing into airplanes, let’s go nuclear with the Corvair X-6.

What made this swap crazy was the guy initially made the Integra AWD using the CR-V drivetrain.

The Lotus Esprit with an Audi V8 swap. It is not as impressive as chainsaw engines or jet turbines, but the documentation made for an exciting read and possibly repeatable by a dedicated weekend mechanic.

NorCal is on the same boat. Our inability to create a viable rail system is 100% our own fault. We do not charge enough in fares to cover costs and we elect politicians that over promise and under deliver.

The difference with medicine and machines is that medicine is not a one size fits all proposition. This is why there is a liability trust fund set up by Congress. The good of the vaccine to prevent epidemics outweighs the risk to a small group due to adverse reactions to vaccines. The costs are factored into each dose

Too bad the anti-vaxxers in CA have influence in the CA legislature. A bill doing just that got shot down.

Dafuq did I just watch!?

Ding dong! You win!

Anything with a GM or Chrysler badge on it. If we want to get more specific, I would say the Malibu and the 200.

Why are there white camo? Are there parts of Iran that have snow?

There will always be haters.

“The only thing keeping that dangling 3200 lb posterchild of conformity known as a Honda Accord from crushing his Emmy-Award winning skull is a Harbor Freight hydraulic jack made by the lowest bidder in a country that thinks Quality Control is a movie starring Tom Cruise in the late ‘80s”

Considering runways would be prime targets for first strike bombings and can be seen for miles away, this is not a bad idea. Who needs airstrips when any grass clearing will do.