Listen, these people are just down on their luck and need this to get back on their feet, ok?
Wheels in +1" over stock plus a tasteful lowering (usually an inch or so).
Never the wrong answer.
I believe 5 pieces of patriotic flair is the bare minimum. Are you OK with doing the bare minimum? ;-)
What percentage of your vehicle operating hours would you think match this usage scenario?
That headline made me think this was going to be a farewell post.
It doesn’t say one way or the other in the ad, but maybe this one was owned by John Voight?
The only way a K car can be worth 5 figures is if somebody important was killed in it, and I’m pretty sure Archduke Ferdinand wasn’t rolling in a T&C when he and the missus got capped. No dice.
Is it the werewolf’s? Creature from the Black Lagoon? Sasquatch? Come on! Which monster dong is it?
Your mother was a Yugo, and your father smelled of starter fluid!
Lol “CarDad” would be a good name for the business.
Agreed. Somebody should have told Honda.
For this kind of money you can find a low to mid mileage F3X with an N55 inline 6 that has the trifecta, 3.0l, 300hp, 300 ft lbs.
As a US patent attorney, maybe I can shed some light on the situation. You are correct, Jason. After a year, you cannot patent an invention that you have made publicly available (and publishing on the internet counts). Whether you sign the declaration or not, Canoo will be able to use the internet article as prior art…
Fined Nimo.
I imagine Jerry calling his delaer and being like “Hey...what’s the deal with allocations?”