Low Blinker Fluid

Dude, Bra, thanks for reminding me about this movie, I watched it with my dad when I was a kid and loved this movie but I completely forgot about it. Going to watch it tonight!

I never understood this mindset of “They are moving our jobs to somewhere that labor is cheaper, we should make it an easier decision on them by striking and show them what a pain in the ass it is to deal with a union!” Why would GM want to keep dealing with the union every year when they can run a factory without

At one time he was third on the “Star in a Reasonably Priced Car” board on Top Gear.

I could see a I4 in the next M2 or in the next M230i(M232i just to fuck with everyone?) for the simple fact that 80% of the engine is behind the front axle.

I feel like this is should be priced closer to $3K but I NP’d it anyways as I have fond memories of my ‘95 base model. Bought mine in ‘98 with 35K on it and drove it for 5 years and 70K miles and it was super reliable. The only downfall it had was the nylon clips that the power window mechanism attached to the glass

Can confirm, still looking for the reservoir...

Can we just get the S4 Avant here again? Or a BMW 340i Sport Wagon but really all I need is the 140i 5 door hatch which might actually be affordable.

I was looking on BMW’s UK site for other odd cars we don’t get in the states and found this sex machine. The M140i 5 Door:

That can’t be unseen...I have to go look at pictures of E46 M3s to wash the stank out of my eyeballs

Did she ever send any artsy 3/4 concept photos? Asking for a friend...

You are incorrect, it was January 5th they ran out of Ford spark plugs and they had to send Danny Newell - a fresh out of tech school befreckled and sandy haired intern - around to every auto parts store in a 15 mile radius. He came back with an assortment of different brands including NGK, AutoLite, Denso and

I am sure you are correct that the higher belt line on the rear door would make the back seat passengers feel claustrophobic but it’s damn handsome without the dip. Maybe they should have lowered the accent line down on the front doors a bit and they could have done the straight line to the back.

I thought the same thing when I saw that photo and wondered how he got it to sit just right on the jackstand.

Nice work! I think it takes some of weirdness out of it and makes the whole side profile actually flow. Can you make the panels out of recycled plastic for me so I can buy one now?

Threw me off at first and was kind of annoying but now I don’t even notice it and it’s smart enough not to turn off if the AC is on high or the heater is on. If you need to blow someone off the line then just ease off the brake or tap the gas pedal and it wakes the engine up or push the tranny over into sport mode.

Obligatory: ‘It’s got VTEC YO!’

I always loved the ZX-7 and I think they still look fantastic. I need to get one of these or an RC-51 in the garage.

Everytime my buddy turned on the heater - instant Crayon scent.

Your argument seems way too rational to be irrational.

Why don’t you just get a large Farva?