Wow... you really have too much time on your hands.
Wow... you really have too much time on your hands.
This is a complete non-story. You self-hating liberal Deadspin twits need to get a life instead of stalking someone online just for enjoying their hobby. A hobby (that used to be an essential part of life), need I remind you, that is as old as the human race. Hunting is part of nature; animals do it all the time. GFY.
Maybe you can explain this to me. It’s great investigative journalism... but it doesn’t uncover anything which is why I don’t understand a lot of Gawker reporting, and even think it’s harmful. What’s the point here? Celebrities shouldn’t go online? They shouldn’t do anything normal people do? They shouldn’t have legal…
He hunts, so what?
I am no fan of Trump or his clan, but Trump Jr. seems to enjoy hunting and fishing and collecting firearms. If he’s dedicating time to being proficient and not just firing wildly at animals/pumping them full of lead/engaging in any of that if-it’s-brown-it’s-down crap, respecting the principles of fair chase, and not…