
I find it fascinating/terrible that people care enough to stare. That it is something so horrid that they will take their time out to actively make a face or remark on. I know people are horrid and terrible and humanity is stupid. But seeing an interracial couple wouldn’t even be a blip in my mind, let alone something

I think I know what commercial you bring up and it was one of the most adorable commercials ever.

When the same backlash occurred to Cheerios’ mixed-race family commercial someone started the www. website of real mixed-race families, the name coming from the statistic that 15% of American families are mixed race. How abhorrent that some still consider it wrong.

What gets me is that I’m asked, as a white gay guy, if I’d ever do “a black guy.” I’ve done all races, I don’t think I’m the UN, and it was all just sex with guys. Why the hell do people get so weird about interracial anything? (Which is not to short you on your relationship: Kuddos for finding a person to tolerate

We got the “some people are assholes” talk very very young which made me a little haughtier towards ignorant racists than I probably should have been at the age of 5, but meant that as a kid I more or less brushed off most snide comments.

What’s sad, is the only reason you’re more aware is because of assholes. I hate that I have to give racial lessons to my kindergartener, but I’ll be damned if she gets blindsided by a jerk that asks her “who that white lady picking you up is” because apparently this is a thing people are okay with saying. To her, just

Same here. I’ve also Googled the phrase “your father must be proud!” due to fact that white men (including one NYPD officer @ west 4th st subway stop) scream it at me as I walk down the street with my husband so often I thought for sure it had to be a line from a movie. Turns out white dudes just really think my dad

You pretty much hit my complaints. I enjoyed it, but I have no interest in seeing it again and I put caveats on my reviews.

So if being lower class has zip to do with race in the UK- where were all the posh Pakistani, Indian, and Caribbean descended recruits and agents in the Kingsman agency? (Having been to Brixton, I am not about to give Americans a monopoly on race hangups.)