BM - The President of Fuckery

ONE..... THOUSAND..... YEARS!!!!!

Came down here to say this. You know who is investing big time in Sub-Saharan Africa? The Chinese. They are thinking long term about developing strategic footholds in the region, and in addition to investment and access to Chinese markets they are getting military bases (small at first) and intelligence cooperation

Who’s the problematic artist that you like?

Can we all take a minute to acknowledge trailblazer Katy Perry for bisexualizing sexual harrassment? Another civil rights milestone!

“i kissed a girl, she disliked it” probably wouldn’t have been as big a hit

I think you’re right about everything except this particular interview. Because in this particular interview, we’re all laughing at this stupid motherfucker for trying to cry his way outta this shit. And applauding Gayle for not giving him any applause for his acting performance.

That entire thing can be boiled down to “Cancer used to be a lot more fatal 50 years ago, therefor cancer is just a minor nuisance today.

Jacoby is reliably right-wing obtuse in everything except, perhaps, immigration.He’s carrying such a damned big armload of white privilege around he can’t see where he’s going.
Surely the Boston Globe can find a less annoying op-ed regular.

a black woman.

I actually feel very much the same way. The absence of black women in videogames and media in general stands always stands out as a failure in good faith cultural representation. One game that came out in 2018 which bucked this trend was Dandara, a Brazillian metroidvania title in which the protagonist was an afro’ed,

Black men are thought to stand in for the entirety of the black experience, but that’s just not true. In video games, I’ve noticed that usually there’s room for a white woman and a black man, but almost never a black woman

There’s a saying, “To be African American is to be African without history and American without privilege.”

Me, being a male Black American, the cultural differences stand out more than the physical similarities. Because of my cultural disconnect to my African ancestry Doomfist just isn’t for me, for example (plus his play style sucks lol).

i really struggled with trying to define blackness—it’s a largely designation given to us, rather than one that comes from our own cultural experience. displacement from africa seems important, but it doesn’t account for every facet of the black experience, including immigrants to other countries from africa. not

All the above can be applied to Latinos of all kinds in games. We have been reduced normally to Born in East LA stereo types

Just because you have the ability to comment doesn’t necessarily mean that you should.

And THIS is why context matters. It’s not an intense rivalry, there’s no hard feelings, it’s just hype. As you admit, you aren’t a part of the FGC as a whole, and aren’t a part of this sub-community at all. Why comment on it at all if you don’t know,

“He was 15, she was 16…in a relationship,” Minaj said. “But go awf, internet. Y’all can’t run my life.”

World shocked that man whose point is challenged has to resort to shitty sarcastic remarks to try and save face.