
Confession time - my family does actually have trouble keeping towels straight, especially during the holidays when we have 6-8 people sharing a single bathroom. My mom insists on matching towels and washcloths, and some of my loved ones struggle to remember where they put their towel the day before. Our solution?

I think it’s more likely that the guy doesn’t read/watch the news of follow Betty Soskin’s blog, so he had no idea where the coin came from. Without that knowledge, the coin would appear to have some street/pawn value.

I’m another sweaty and red-faced girl. I grew up in NC, and have long believed that early exposure to heat contributed to my sweaty tendencies. I’m 1/2 ginger, so my baseline complexion is pretty ruddy to begin with. I turn bright red with even a little exertion (or a sip of alcohol beverage). I always have to

Yes, AirBnB has customer ratings. There is also a social network aspect where existing/experience customers can friend/endorse new renters. I’ve only used AirBnB once - I was traveling with a friend, and we booked through her account because she had a good “rating” while I had not history.

Checking in early also gives some protection against involuntary denied boarding if a flight is oversold. Airlines will ask for volunteers first, but if they have to bump someone, time of check-in is one of the factors the consider.

For #1, make sure this is feasible first. There are airports without post-security screening between terminals (or even concourses, in the case of BWI).

It’s the same in the US - most anti-vaxxers are very well educated in the arts/humanities, but don’t know so much about science

Since trigeminal neuralgia* is specifically a nerve disorder, it’s something that will actually respond to epilepsy drugs. Same with fibromyalgia and MS. Different pain causes need different treatments - the fact that we don’t differentiate causes of pain when choosing treatment is one of the shortcomings of our

I have the same reaction to opioids - no feelings of nausea, just sudden projectile vomiting. I learned that after taking one does of codeine following wisdom tooth extraction. After that, it was ibuprofen all the way. Fortunately, I’ve only had a few medical events that came even close to needing something stronger

NYC residence not required. I’ve never lived in NY, but I’ve managed to live through several celebrity sightings without taking pictures or posting about it on social media. One of those sightings involved an entire family. Famous actor/actress parents and their kids in a museum - no one batted an eye (granted, this

Just FYI, on the off chance you find yourself needing to care for someone with a head/neck injury - people do not swallow their tongues (incredibly rare exceptions for injuries that actually sever the tongue). If the tongue is in tact, it’s going to sit in the mouth just as it does when you sleep. If you need to

My last two Ubers were scary enough that I’m done with the service. One drove way to fast through downtown Baltimore at 7pm - tailgating, changing lanes constantly, cutting people off. The next was a nice enough guy, but he had only been driving for a few months, lived in DC, it was his first time driving in

I’m in grad school, which means I get to watch Live! most mornings before I shuffle off to campus for noon seminars. That face is Michael’s half of their normal shtick. Kelly says something outlandish, and Michael does a purse-lip, wide-eyed take. Audience laughs. Repeat.

From talking to a few family members, I think most of the general public just have no idea what homeopathy means. They think homeopathy = herbal/natural. They know that many modern medicines are based on herbal origins, and even know a few very effective herbal remedies (like ginger for nausea), so they are somewhat

I can totally see certain R members of Congress proposing this so they can “catch” feminists in our hypocrisy. I do hope they get a CSPAN close up when all the feminist expert witnesses support the change.

I took a survey course of complementary and alternative medicines at the med school I used to work for. The course was organized by a pharmacist and a surgeon, and every guest speaker took care to honestly discuss the science and physiological theory underlying their modality. Of all the practices we covered,

I switch to enell a few years ago, and didn’t notice an increase in heat, but the alternative was two bras - an underwire sports bra for support, and a compression bar on top. As a bonus, the enell is far easier to remove when hot and sweaty - just unhook and you’re free. No struggling with wet spandex!

My cat gets her hairball prevention treats when I go to bed. She sits at the foot of the bed waiting while I brush my teeth. It’s the only “trick” she knows.

I imagine there is also a lot of CTE from sub-clinical/undiagnosed concussions.

If you’re car camping, that should work reasonably well, assuming the air mattress fits in your tent. I do find that I get cold on an air mattress, compared to a sleep pad. The air in the mattress is the same temp as ambient air. We’re used to insulation from a solid mattress, and lose that with an air mattress..