
I used to get terrible headaches after Saturday morning runs in the summer. My running group started at 7am in the summer to beat the crazy NC heat, and we would run 4-6 miles. I drank tons of water afterwards, and usually went out for breakfast so I assumed I was consuming plenty of salt. I started bringing a small

Not just for babysitting either - if you want to interact with kids at all, its worth knowing the basics.

We do have a la carte options - you can buy (or rent) individual movies and TV shows (episode or season) on Amazon without a Prime membership. I keep a Hulu+ subscription for just a handful of shows that I want to watch the next day - It just occurred to me while ready this article, but it would probably be cheaper to

I have family in W’burg, and go to Busch Gardens at least twice a year. Apollo’s Chariot is my second favorite ride in the park (Lochness is #1 for sentimental reasons). After the Fabio incident, they installed nets/screens to keep birds away from the ride.

The placement of unintentional poisoning is a really big deal.* Prior to 2014, motor vehicle crashes had been the #1 cause of injury deaths for adults up to age 65. We’ve seen huge increases in opioid overdoses, which accounts for almost all of the increase in unintentional poisoning.

I love the “hack” for slicing a watermelon where he slices a watermelon.

They’re reporting her condition as stable, so it’s probably not life threatening, but the police can’t talk to her due to her injuries. Given the location within the car (her in front, child in back), it wouldn’t surprise me if she was hit in the head/face.

No, very young children cannot adequately understand gun safety. In fact, I’ve seen footage from a gun safety study where they taught kids a song about gun safety, then left the kids in a room with a real-looking hand gun. The kids remembered the song - so well that they sang the tune while pointing the gun at each

IIRC, Kirk also will not do stage/screen kissing unless the characters are married.

My mom was among the first women permitted to wear pants on campus at her undergraduate school - in 1968.

Thanks for posting this - I just posted similar info in response to comments re. mesh bumpers. I will also add that having a fan in the baby’s room may help by increasing air flow and helping move CO2 away from baby’s face. It doesn’t take a much - a ceiling fan on low or an oscillating fan in the corner.

The jury is still out on mesh bumpers - they might also pose a SIDS risk. The risk isn’t just from obstructed airways - one of the hypotheses about the cause of SIDS is that baby’s don’t have the lung power to circulate air around their faces when they exhale, so they end up re-breathing the same oxygen depleted air

I few years ago, I ended up in a middle seat on a SEA-DTW flight. I volunteered my seat on my original SEA-ATL flight, and was rerouted through DTW on an itinerary that got me home 30 minutes earlier, plus $400 richer, but the middle seat was the only option left. No big deal, I can live through that. I got to my seat

Completely random stranger is also an option.

With a Baltimore City jury, it honestly won’t hurt that much. There’s a pretty big Muslim community here, plus the city is 60% Black. I think it’s more likely for a jury here to judge you harshly for being *too* clean cut.

Thank you! I’m so tired of the potato hate. I’ve started subbing baked potatoes whenever I would otherwise use bread, pasta, or rice. I enjoy eating the baked potato far more than the usual whole grain substitute, and find that I’m satisfied with less food and feel sated longer. One of my favorite meals now is taco

You don’t spend much time in Baltimore, do you?

Yes, because grocery stores only sell Oreos and you can’t possibly go to the store and buy other food for yourself.

On the one hand, OrderUp just sent an email blast to let me know that they will be up an running through the storm. On the other hand, we’re expecting 2 feet of snow, 35 mph sustained winds, and 50 mph gusts. Plus, city and state official are basically begging people to stay indoors until Sunday morning. So no, I

In my neighborhood, there’s a very real risk of water main breaks. We have at least one break somewhere in the city everyday with freezing temps. A water main break means no water for 24-36 hours in the best conditions. With 2 feet of snow on the ground, it might take 3+ days to fix. I won’t buy a ton of bottled