Wow... that just seems to defeat the point of marriage.
Wow... that just seems to defeat the point of marriage.
I’m still waiting for someone to check whether or not the now-infamous Popeye’s was even built yet in the early 1980’s. I would, but I’m not willing to pay to pull the property records. The first Popeye’s opened in 1972 - wikipedia and the Popeye’s website are pretty vague on the expansion timeline - it’s possible…
My prior employer actually had a lunch policy stating that employees could re-start the lunch break clock if they were interrupted mid-break for a work task. My boss and coworkers were pretty great, so I didn’t need to use that rule, but it was always nice knowing I could.
I think that thin/fuzzy line depends largely on how a person frames the experience. I had some classmates in my masters’ program who talked about their Peace Corps experience ad nauseam. It was seemingly the only thing they knew of the world, and they largely disregarded the experience of everyone else in the…
Just a quick note that this “best case” is still $55K/year with 50+ hour work weeks, no benefits, and no paid vacation/holidays/sick time. That annual net income gets chipped away with insurance premiums, plus every illness or injury. And heaven forbid a worker wants to take a few days off to just enjoy life.
I’m from NC, where the cheapest manicure is $12, and the cheapest pedicure is $25.* Prices only go up from there as you add in amenities like pleasant decor and a bottle of water. The prices in Baltimore are pretty similar (from what I’ve seen, and I’ll admit that I’m sticking to the nicer parts of town). Any time I…
I always wear a dress or skirt/blouse to church. It’s also the one occasion when I will always wear pantyhose. I really think a lot of the differences are regional and/or class based. There are lots of White people in the US that aren’t Northeastern WASPs.
I’m truly convinced that the great washcloth divide is actually a regional difference that became a “race thing” with the Black diaspora. White people in the south use washcloths. I keep a basket of 15-20 clean washcloths on my bathroom counter, neatly folded and waiting so I can use a new one every day.
My last almost-serious relationship was with a Quaker. Best relationship ever. On the first date, he paid but was very up front that he expected we would take turns or split the check from then on, because he valued equality. He felt it was unfair to be one-sided in terms of finances, but also that having one person…
I went to college with Tom Jensen - the director of Public Policy Polling, and the person we all need to thank for bringing Deez Nuts’ candidacy to our attention. Tom is delightfully weird, and channels that weirdness into a few odd ball questions in each poll it puts together. He swears those odd ball questions make…
That was my take - the same people complaining about this would turn right around and gripe about (Black) men walking out and “Baby momma’s” buying steak and lobster.
I keep thinking about the Amish guy who was convicted on assault charges a few years ago for cutting the beards off of men in rival groups. I would love to see this father charged with assault for cutting his daughter’s hair against her will.
Josh currently lives in Maryland (or Northern Virginia? can’t remember exactly which) with his wife and kids.
It’s called the Swiss cheese effect - we have lots of little fail safes unconsciously built into our lives. That “instinct” to look back is actually a habit that was built on other triggers and cues. There are always holes in those triggers/cues, and sometimes those holes line up like slices of Swiss cheese. When that…
You have you wedding on Halloween, and you love it! The best wedding I’ve attended so far was a reception-only party on Halloween. The couple had a very small destination wedding a few months before, followed by a huge costume party on Halloween. It was perfect, both for the couple and for our circle of friends.
Like most people in Baltimore, I’m ready for this fucking curfew to end. It’s counter productive. There has been very little unrest since Monday night/Tuesday morning, but all of the unrest occurring since the curfew started on Tuesday evening has been a direct result of the efforts to enforce the curfew. Up until…
So here’s what has happened in Baltimore at 10pm the past four nights. The police start telling people to go home around 9:30pm. They use bull horns and announce it from loudspeakers on their helicopters. They start walking towards peaceful demonstrators, shoulder to shoulder with the riot shields and night sticks…
My god, I miss Belk.
I’m a classy Southern lady, and I hate Lily Pulitzer. Classy ladies don’t wear Lily. Classy Southern ladies dress nicely, but generally without obvious labels or branding. I would describe the women who do wear Lily, but I don’t want to be rude.
One of the greatest joys in life is eating breakfast in my underwear on a Saturday morning.