
Amen. I took a day trip to NYC shortly after the ambush shootings. The most disturbing thing I saw was police in full protective armor, armed to the teeth as they kept an eye on holiday shoppers wandering around Midtown. I wasn't the least bit worried about the civilians surrounding me. I was truly concerned that a

Love the NSFW tags in an email sent to someone whose job it is to review claims of vulgarity and decide what is/isn't permissible in a given context, especially when the body of the email verbatim quotes of the lyrics that were deemed "NSFW"

What is it that you dislike about each vegetable? (I do recognize that different veggies may have different problems).

There is a beach on Hickam AFB in Honolulu that is under the landing approach for HNL. Not quite as low/dramatic as this, but still pretty amazing. It's informally called the dog beach b/c it's used as a dog park. Just a bunch of airmen and sailors (plus family and friends) hanging out with their dogs, drinking beer.

He basically stopped making public appearances several years ago. During the early stages of he illness, he was pretty distressed by the memory loss because his impeccable memory was a point of great pride. He remembered everyone and everything. There was a period of time when he couldn't remember things, but was

As long as you are doing the right thing because you know it is the right thing, then you are being an ally. The frustration expressed in this piece comes from people who do the right thing not because it is right, but because they want the attention and praise that comes from doing the right thing, and they actively

I have a lot of family in VA, and used to drive on I-85, US 58, and lots of country roads between Petersburg, Williamsburg, and VA Beach (no longer necessary since I moved away from NC). I was always the obnoxious pokey driver in the right lane, driving as close to text book perfect as possible because I grew up

Can the tabloids please, please, please stop getting their "news" from FreeJinger?

OK... Makes sense for CHS - I always just drive from NC, so never been in the airport. I'm not surprised at CLT - attendants go with the rocking chair hospitality image.

Because the employees are poor, minimally educated, and terrified they will lose their jobs if they complain?

What airports? RDU was my home airport before I moved last year (and is still a frequent destination airport), and I fly through ATL several times a year. I haven't seen attendants in the restrooms at either of those. I have connected through CLT a few times, and don't recall attendants (but could be mistaken).

Thank you. I've had a seriously shitty week, and this story made me laugh.

This has been the dominant story in the Baltimore news this week. Not the O's amazing season. Not the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Baltimore and the writing of the Star Spangled Banner. Every statement from the Raven or the NFL is pushed as breaking news. Two thoughts keep running through my mind.

I met up with my mom for dinner on the evening of 9/11/2001. As we watched the coverage airing on the TV above the bar my mom simple said "Bin Laden fucked up this time." The first and only time I've heard her say fuck.

I've posted this in the Gawkerverse before, but this is one of the reasons I think the
"millennial" generation will end up split in two. I'm technically a millennial, but I was in college on 9/11/01. I was fully aware of the full ramifications. Just a year before I had decided against doing ROTC to pay for college -

I've been in the era of big booties since I started high school in 1996.

No, they will move on to stories about how she is on the verge of a breakdown/drinking heavily/taking tons of pain killers to cope with the emotional pain of never having a child.

North is just so nouveau riche.

Are you saying it isn't normal to following my morning Irish coffee with a cigarette?

My one and only ticket in 15 years of driving was in Hopewell, VA. I was cited for having a burned out daytime running headlight. At 3pm. The officer and I were both wearing sunglasses, and he noted the weather as "sunny" on the citation. I said I would stop at the next auto parts store and get a new bulb, but he said