
Xander intentionally neglects to provide Buffy with life-threatening information about Willow’s attempt to reinvoke Angel’s curse, instead telling Buffy to “kick his ass”. This betrays Willow’s trust and endangers Buffy. After Buffy comes back from her L.A. freakout over having to send her lover to hell, Xander calls

i learned that watching ‘lost girl’, in which a pansexual succubus’s russian hacker girl sidekick will tell you all about baba yaga.

I need more info about the type of vampire before I cast my vote. Are we talking glittery Cro-Magnon forehead, or gothic Southern pretty boy?*

Is this where I confess I accidentally knicked myself good last week? In my defense, I just had bottom surgery and my new 2017 model testicles didn’t come with an owners manual. I’ve only had them for three months. My Husband thought this was hilarious. No serious damage was done.

Snape is still just a creepy guy who saved the world simply because he was a Nice Guy TM over Lily

It’s the one where the Handmaids go back in time to save the whales. Should be hysterical.

He won’t. France does not allow huge punitive damages.

Yummy! That sounds amazing. I went out to a Mexican restaurant for dinner last night and wanted a margarita so bad, but didn’t order one because I had to drive. It didn’t occur to me that I could have asked for a virgin one.

I don’t know but I think it’s pretty low to call her a walking benzo.

Nope. I have no sympathy for these teachers. Because I am a teacher. And yes sometimes my students can be downright nasty to me. But that’s the job. If you don’t have the patience or maturity to not insult and tease CHILDREN, then go get a fucking job anywhere else. Should teachers be held to a higher standard of

Sure, if you ignore all of her accomplishments, she’s done nothing.

I don’t! As a theater person married to a stage combat choreographer-the kids shouldn’t have been out of control with any stage violence. Or “feeling it” so much that they were out of control in general. It’s dangerous. And it should have been drilled and practiced to be slow and safe. Accidents happen but the