Good luck with everything! I hope it works out.
Good luck with everything! I hope it works out.
Yes! Autistic children are people. They're not some terrible curse. It can be heartbreaking to come to terms with having an autistic child, I know - but that shouldn't deprive the child of his or her dignity and personhood.
It’s so worth it! My last cigarette was at noon on New Year’s Eve, and I’ve gone down to basically two cigarettes worth of nicotine from a pack a day. Nothing else worked for me (and the cheap cigalikes, like the Blu, didn't do anything either - I had to get a real setup). I don’t know why people are so pissy about…
I really recommend getting her a nice kit. I went from a pack a day for ten years to vaping overnight. I don't miss smoking at all.
I vape and always always ask before vaping indoors. There probably isn’t a secondhand smoke issue, but you can see and smell the clouds, so why would I think everyone would be okay with it? At parties or whatever, I’ll step outside unless specifically told I can vape inside.