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That’s a knocker bar. You run into it, it’s loud but bounces off doing no/minimal damage. The thing in front of the bridge is a solid metal beam. You run into that, and ^video.

>How can they be responsible for a sexual assault they didn’t perform?

Not really. The game was amazing in a lot of ways. Far less amazing was the endless infestation of hackers and ping exploiters that *still* hasn’t been dealt with

Couldn’t even hold a candle to D3 at release. For example to this day ember mages in multiplayer will randomly act as if they’re level one, and loss the damage and HP modifers for levels.

Can’t find anything about mandatory reporting in the 80s, however if such a report does exist and is still on file, it looks like you’d need to contact the Department of Children and Families to get access. I’d recommend starting there. I suspect they’ll be able to point you in the correct direction.

Now playing

In some games yes. In others there are massive amounts of precision and speed needed for actions. When you both need to be near pixel perfect and faster than the other guy...that’s easier said than done.


Don’t you know? Those cannonballs were just sitting around minding their own business when the union started their war of northern aggression by throwing fort sumpter at them.

Carrier groups are tracked obsessively enough they need to burn their garbage because some chinese or russian sub will try to grab it if they don’t. There’s zero reason to keep a carrier’s location secret, everyone already knows where it is.

Protip, everyone knows exactly where US carrier group is going basically as soon as it starts moving. Many military units and formations, even within the navy, are capable of being somewhat subtle about their actions. Carrier groups are the exact opposite of subtle. They don’t hide, and they don’t skulk around the

I’ma take a real big shot in the dark here and say that folks making racist Harambe jokes know exactly what they’re doing and that being racist fucks is entirely the reason they’re making them.

Non-competes are basically non-enforceable unless they’re paying you an equivalent wage for not working.

It lacks forelegs. Not a dragon. Get it right ffs. Wyvern at best

The non zero chance of getting a surprise snuff film is basically why I don’t even bother with the x-games, at least when shown live.

“misinformation and dipshittery”

I’m not familiar with the US, but here it only applied to actually unsolicited goods. That is if it was sent to your address, was intended to be sent to your address and involved no consent on your part.

On the aircraft is a stockpile of medical supplies meant to be used by a doctor, or in a pinch by trained members of the flight crew while in contact with a qualified personal on the ground. That emergency medical kit contains supplies that could seriously harm a person if misused, and it does not get opened without

Note for those lazy to do the math: By this standard 10% of all women who have ever been pregnant should be in prision.

Reach behind your computer, there’s a big cable back there. good, unplug it. Now open the window, pick up your computer, and throw it out the window.

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