got removed. replaced with:
got removed. replaced with:
Yea know, I'm kind of curious what kind of computing power you think is required to record video.
cis: near, on the near side of, same (etc)
Thank you for articulating the proper response to yourself.
Gaaaaaaah. I'd post one of those "apply cool water to burned area" gifs but I don't think that's recommended first aid for the kind inflicted by flamethrower.
And you just apologized to a different person ;P
Then why include it? If it's not relevant to the post you're tooting your own horn for the sake of it. If it is relevant then the only way that's the case is as an example of what a good contentious person you are and well...
The point
If this can be run on a console but not your average PC, Ubisoft is lying through their teeth about the minimum requirements, or the port is a horrendous mess that only runs when you can throw stupid amounts of power at it.
Red pandas are like catweaselbears. Weaselbearcats? Bearcatweasels?
Scrolled down to see if anyone had said it yet. Was not disappointed. Point goes to the ursine.
1 in 35000.
Yea... space plane designs are not really the best idea. There's a reason only the US built them, and they only stuck with it because it would have been both expensive and embarrassing to change it. Amongst other things, they're really good at killing astronauts.
Where's Willy?
OK so, let me understand this.
This is neither based on reported rapes, nor new. This will be a report on a CDC survey conducted about 4 years ago. The study itself was published some time ago.
French word, bastardized spelling of a "ge" word, french, french.
Last time I checked, all major releases are priced around $60 regardless of content.
Thus proving again that Google Chrome is the best browser.
It was good until Sorbo starting fucking things up.