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Binding precedent is not particularly vague. If the cases are identical enough for it to be binding, they are fundamentally identical cases. "You are attempting to do X. X has been ruled on in a comprehensive manner, and none of the fundamentals of that decision have changed in anyway. Go. Away". For that matter a

The decision isn't equal to the law, the decision is either an interpretation of the law, or an interpretation as to how the law interacts with other laws (ie whether or not it violates the constitution or if it's being applied in a way contrary to the intent of the law.)

The state choosing to ignore the rights of its citizens does not prevent those rights from existing. The fact that women couldn't sue was based of a restriction in utter violation of the US constitution. That restriction was never legal in the first place.

Leaving aside the early 20th century mores, Calvin Coolidge. To both.

With that many fries? Peine forte et dure.

1: Cut potatoes submerged in hot oil,

style of fries :\

Lemme put it this way. At the one in the entertainment district, it's not unusual to see people carting luggage with YYZ tags still on. That means they landed at Pearson airport, dragged their ass into downtown Toronto, then instead of getting home or checking into their hotel and proceeding to shower the plane funk

Potatoes are cheap. And I don't mean "well yea you can get a 10 lb bag for 4 bucks at the super market"cheap. If 5 Guys spends much more than 10 cents a pound on potatoes I'd be surprised.

Nah, had to rent out a storage unit.

the large container they show you is misleading. They mean you get the container, not they fill the container. They fill the bag your order comes in >_>

Eh Chipotle burritos are alright. Not spectacular, but given the quality of its competitors in most places...

Convinced my dad to pick some up for dinner once. Told him to get three little burgers and two little fries for the three of us. Dumb sumabitch decides that doesn't sound like enough food, orders three full sized burgers, two regular fries for me and my sister and a large fries for himself.

Also, if you're in Toronto, how Sophie's Choice is the moment when your drunk brain has to choose between Smoke's Poutinerie upstairs and Burrito Boys downstairs?

This is what I've been lead to believe at well. Fortunately the ones near me are awesome so hey.

It's fast food in the sense that it's food that's fast. It's not however in anyway the same category of fast food as say Mcdonalds, the chief distinction being the wildly divergent definitions of "food"

The five guys near you clearly sucks then, I spend about 4 bucks on fries and walk out with enough to kill a man.

"Chipotle has the best burritos"

Presumably because her intestines were in the process of preparing something truly...special.

1 kg is about 2.2 lb. If you combine that with a little bit of metric nicety, (the density of water works out to a neat 1 kg/L.) you can work out that the "2.5 liters of broth, 200 g of chick peas, 150 g of lentils, 150 g of borlotti beans, 500 g of other vegetables" should total to around 3.5 kg of minestrone.