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This is definitely one of those times caveat emptor applies.

She might not be able to use the title, but she can still get the fancy letters after her name DCMG in this case.

the joke! you found it!

Yea but they do it with vaugish claims using words like "may" and phrases like "studies have show" or "is associated with" assuming they make claims at all rather than just slapping "rich in omega-3" or whatever on the label.

In some fairness to the FDA, those particular walnuts were being marketed with not really substantiated claims that eating them could protect against heart disease and arthritis, fight mental illnesses and etc. Anyone making that kind of statement about their product is marketing it as remedy/preventive and you just

Different study. If you're referring to the study I think you are it's still flawed (it was infact based of numbers collected in the mid 80s, and wasn't close to a national survey.)

That was possibly the intent, but the way it was worded was poor. Either that or they were taking the "any amount of alcohol makes you incapable of consent" view. Don't recall which off the top of my head.

Oh I know. It's just good to remember that these clowns are wasting our time criticizing the results of a study with well known issues. Its not even a recent study, it was conducted some time in the friggin 90's. The fact its results don't track with other, better conducted studies is so not news.

If the 1/5 statistic is referencing the study I think it is, it has some glaring flaws (Off the top of my head it had one really poor question that asked if they has sex after being given alcohol and then proceeded to class anyone who answered "yes" as a rape victim. The population surveyed was also less than


If it gets hot enough to cause burns serious enough for admission into the hospital and require the attention of a reconstructive surgeon, that's a design flaw, especially when she wasn't using it on bare skin. ("placed them between her bra and outer clothing.")

The man's lack of properly functioning tastebuds is both well documented and mildly terrifying.

Watched it. The answer is pretty much "nope."

So how long until the nutbars start claiming this is an attempt to distract from Bengazi?

Someone is welcome to come along an correct me, however iirc the guy who coined the word transvestite used it to refer people we'd consider transgender today. it got applied to the drag community by way of conflating drag performers with cross dressing as a sexual fetish, which in turn came from society's rejection of

When directed at the drag community, it's a insult because of comparison with trans people and is still ultimately a product and expression of transphobia. The fact the slur is somethings directed at them gives gay cis men about as much right to "reclaim" transphobic slurs as a hetero dude has to "reclaim" homophobic

The chances of him lawyering up and actually doing anything is fairly slim. She doesn't actually need to show that her statement is true, but just that it could be true. So unless Ramsey can demonstrate her story is hilariously inconsistent with reality (which is easier said than done) he's got shit all for legal

*shrug* Having people closely examine anything statement and ask for proof you make is the price you pay when you've proven yourself untrustworthy. If she can prove it, then hang ramsey out on a line. Otherwise... well I'd be tempted to double check if either of them claimed the sky was blue let alone something like