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Unfortunately they're way behind on the bloody mary garnish arms race.

For the last couple hundred years the royals have made a practice of turning the profits from the crown lands over to the UK government in exchange for a salary. The government makes off like a bandit in that exchange (They basically get 4 dollars in revenue for every 1 dollar they pay them).

Burden of proof for a libel suit is rather high. They need to prove that the statement is false, that it caused harm, and that the person making the statement either knew it was false or willing failed to authenticate the truth.

Sorry, but gotta:

Swans can, will and regularly do fuck up Canada geese.

Ever dealt with Canadian geese? If so, remember the kind of aggressive little shits those bastards are?

Got the images? If so a reverse image search might turn up a few.

I'll see that and raise you:

"Showing study participants photos of women,"

I'd say it's a more unpleasant experience for guys. The pain just sorta makes it way down your thigh and up into your stomach and you feel like you're going to (and possibly do) throw up and just gaaaah.

I'm now making my way through a 10 inch panzarotti. This is your fault.

No, the standard is the same, as as said most of the serious side effects are shared. The problem is birth control has an additional standard which requires it be either be reliably reversible, or reliably irreversible. Testosterone supplements are neither, and they're probably not going to be able to fix that issues.

Not really, except in a intellectual sense. It's not going to happen until they fix the "occasionally irreversible" part, and they've been trying to do that for the last 20 years. Male hormonal birth control is just never going to happen. With the (possible) exception of RISUG and similar products everything on that

Testosterone supplements in men have all sorts of issues. Short version: Not taking the supplement doesn't always reverse the decrease in fertility and natural testosterone production, and the longer you take them the more likely it is to be irreversible. Oh and even if it does reverse itself you tend to feel like

Keep your feet under your knee and your knees around hip/shoulder width and you take up no more room than would without legs. The knee/hip ratio especially. Long as they do the same, if you're touching at the knees, you'll be touching at the hips, and if you're touching at the hips, your not going to create more space

Fortunately that dude has provided fantastic access for a well applied, well deserved boot.

The space a person takes up is a fairly simple box based off the width of shoulders, hips and if sitting down the length of your legs to the knee. As a general rule, you're getting no closer in any direction than the largest relevant figure. If you do, you're now leaning, laying or sitting on them.

breast cancer is something like 100 times more common in women. Ovaries, testicals and so forth are not terribly vulnerable to cancer. The biggest concern for men would be prostate cancer, however that's lodge fairly deep inside the body, while breasts are rather prominently outside of the body.

Well yes, but my jumping in was more "FACTS!" than conversation :P

Ah hokay. Sorry for jumping in btw, the "1 in 4" statistic just gets on my nerves. It gets thrown around like gospel truth by a lot of sources because "everyone is raping everything" is scary and gets more clicks, while horribly misrepresenting reality (Which is damaging on soooo many levels.)