Unless you're referencing something I've missed The common rule is that only 10% of rapes are reported, not 25%.
Unless you're referencing something I've missed The common rule is that only 10% of rapes are reported, not 25%.
Fun fact, drop the adjective "black" in there and replace rapist with "thug", and your response could be copy pasted from one of those asshole defending Zimmerman.
The study gives an estimate as to what percentage of rapes are committed by serial rapists. Assuming that's accurate, you can do some simple ballparking.
End of the video they drive slowly past the scene. If they'd looked left while doing so, they'd have had a clear view of the driver.
There's english text under the russian. The guy posting the video has a pile of others that appear to have been taken with the same camera in the same car. It's fair to conclude the poster is the one who shot the video.
It's a youtube video? Click through(youtube button, bottom right) and read the discription :P
Yea thats units in millions. here have what 11.45 million looks like. Keep track now:
Also sociopathic, kidnaping, infanticidal, cannibalistic, violent, rapists.
Its a few years off for your kid, but bonus points if you can con them into doing the dishes too. "It's bubble water, it's fun see!"
Getting them involved works great. When they've had a hand in making it, it's way way easier to convince them to try it. After all they made it, and they wouldn't make anything that taste bad! They can't do everything and still won't always like it, but little, fun things like "Here go use the garlic press to crush a…
I got a couple kids eating brussel sprouts quite happily simply by getting them involved in the preparation of them, and doing something other than boiling the shit out of them. Ditto broccoli and spinach.
The HPV vaccine has been shown to have extreme effectiveness in preventing infection. As in despite an unfortunately low vaccination rate, the number of HPV infections has dropped significantly. QED: The HPV vaccine is effective despite the use of condoms.
Because the HPV vaccine is very effective at preventing HPV. As in substantially more effective than a condom.
Believe I mentioned the vaccine as a better alternative to the removal of 100 square centimeters (that 15 square inches) of a penis for minimal improvement in protection?
What diseases?
Similar boat as joe.
Or they just bothered to shower some time in the last day. Funny how that works.
"It also reduces the chances that men will spread HPV to their wives and girlfriends, protecting them from getting cervical cancer."
Sure. But a cut one will still get pretty damn foul anyways.