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Given the cesspool that is your average public bathroom? Yea. Most places I've been don't do paper towels, instead having an ancient push button air dryer that was last cleaned some time in the Clinton administration. Using toilet tissue to turn off taps is the exact opposite of helpful, the amount of bacteria that

Unless you're in an what needs to be a sterile, or at least seriously clean environment, handwashing is a pointless, futile and possibly harmful action.

If it annoys you enough, pay attention to how you angle your head in relation to others, maybe mess around with a mirror and a camera so you can see the affect it has. Ditto how you rest your jaw, leave your tongue and what your hair does (specifically where it darkens your face).

More than that. Added height, slims the legs(Actually they just do delightful things for legs in general), changes posture a little bit. Apparently gives the impression of smaller feet which=estrogen though I can't say I've ever gone "She's good looking in mean look at those bitty feet." They can also do seriously

Two-thirds of a liver? You're thinking WAY too small. One young healthy organ donor can be good for up to 8 lives. Compared to abortions one life that's a bargain!

The fetus' right to life, within reasonable limits (Which the US has legally, and most places have informally) does not get to supersede the womans right to her own life. The consequences to her for a pregnancy extend waaaay beyond the actual pregnancy and are excessive to any fault on her part such as any such fault

How young were you at the time? Contract law is really lopsided in favor of minors in some places(Because duh), but if they can get an adult (Like say your Dad)to sign something instead, they can merrily bend them over.

Welcome to the world of car dealers, Your issues is "misogyny by way of an environment trying to fuck over everyone" your number is 323,345,135, now serving number 465.

You do realize that assuming a modicum of effort is paid to personal grooming, the average youngish, fairly in shape person will be good looking.

Even absent perceived stigma, libio reducing meds etc, a solid chunk of the population will have someone in their lives who will be willing to lend a hand (Sorry(Not sorry)) to the cause. That will probably be skewing things downwards.

*shrug* Disfigurement is a serious change in one's appearance with negative effects.

A really quick reading of the relevant US law has nothing stopping multiple kidnappings of the same hostage. anything that qualifies as transporting the hostage, or re-confining the hostage would be a new charge. For example the child was apparently taken out and then re-confined on several occasions, which should

Also most everyone pleads not guilty unless they can get a plea bargain.

I asked you to do some math, please do so. 525600 minutes in a year and the 2013 estimate puts the US population at 315,968,000. You have one sexual assault every two minutes. Two quick bits of division. Your computer/phone/whatever should have a calculator. Then read through my math again. Hint, if you think your

Oh yea, rushing doesn't help at all, but you'd be surprised how much of a difference a good razor makes. How anyone can shave with these monstrosities I'll never know.

A "staggering" one every two minutes? Please check the math on that number, then work it out as a percentage of population. To make it easier for you: 525600 minutes in a year and the 2013 estimate puts the US population at 315,968,000. Scary sounding statistics are often not that scary when placed in context.

Shave my legs with a single bladed razor, only cut myself when I do something stupid like not changing the angle on the knobbly bits. Or I get lazy about making sure the skin on the inside of the knee stretched out >_>

Razors don't lose their edge very fast provided you don't abuse them, they do however rust if you keep them where water can get at em. Like say the shower >_>

Try a DE razor then, provided you don't mind a bit of learning. The razor will cost about $20 if you look around/order online, even the most "expensive" blades run at something like 50 cents a pop, and decent ones last for a while if you treat them nice (Seriously, bought a pack of 10 a year ago, still have three to

Again, greater is not, by any measure a synonym for sole and again, her responsibility does not extend to not getting raped. If someone is actively thwarting her attempts to exercise that due care, it's a whole other issue.